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Contemplating the Divinity and Unity of All Life...
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With Bruce Burger, MA, BCPP
April 8,2023 Alternative #4
Facing The Abyss
The work I experienced with the “psychic healer” put me in touch with deeply buried feelings of sadness, shame, fear, guilt, alienation, inadequacy and self hatred...What we call The Shadow.
At the root of Samkhya the most ancient basis of Yoga philosophy, is the promise of “the total, final, complete, permanent annihilation of suffering”. Dukkah “a bad mental state”, the Sanskrit word for suffering, is also translated as alienation and disenchantment. These definitions point to the fundamental nature of dukkah.
I translate dukkah as ontological terror and understand this root experience as one of separation from Being…alienation from our inherent Divinity…
Well-being… our natural state… describes a molecular state of attunement to nature and the cosmos.
Babbitt's micro-clairvoyant vision of an atom as a vibrating energy field
A Well To Being
Every atom, molecule and cell of our bodies…when looked at from an energetic perspective… is a field, which when coherent (a Sattvic state of Soul Communion) is a well to Being.
When we are in our natural sattvic state of Soul Communion we feel “wonderful” and “grateful”. Filled with the wonder and the greatness of Being, our inherent Divinity.
When we lose our sattvic entrainment we experience ontological terror… disenchantment, alienation, shame, guilt, fear and insecurity… which we can call the shadow or the abyss.
Well-Being is molecular…an experience of our natural state of attunement to the Source.
When we loose this center, we fall into the black hole of nothingness, lost in the abyss, the void.
Our inadequacy in the face of our insignificance vs the abyss... is experienced as extreme vulnerability, terror, shame, inadequacy, guilt, etc, etc.
The source of our pain, is not psychological
Sages explain that the source of our pain, is not psychological in the conventional sense, emotional, or biographical…but spiritual… a disconnect from Being.
This alienation from Nature, is a dropping out of attunement from our natural state of enchantment.. of Great-fullness and Wonder-fulness as we commune with BEING.
Meditation and the eight sattvic legs of Yoga…Union with our Divine Self…promise to facilitate a molecular transformation to our natural state of attunement to Being.
The efficacy of Yoga Psychology has been demonstrated over thousands of years to restore our natural state of Soul Communion… wellbeing and gratefulness.
In our upcoming Zoom workshop, we will be sharing a powerful pranayama technique of chakra balancing through mantra yoga to facilitate an etheric sound bath to reestablish our connection to Being.
A sattvic lifestyle is the key to your very own total, final, complete, permanent, annihilation of suffering.
Believe me, it works! And it’s available to you!
Blessings, Bruce
March 2023
An Alternative To A Hip Replacement? #1
Last fall I started feeling “sensations” in my leg, I would check to make sure there was no insect or worse crawling up my leg…But soon realized it was my nervous system…It wasn’t too bad, So I lived with it. In the weeks and months that followed it progressed to a constant aching especially in the evening when it would become quite pain-full.
I had been a constant witness to my wife's complaints and her choice to get a hip replacement a couple of years back… including the fact that she was still dealing with pain on a daily basis more than a year after her “successful” operation.
I first visited a wise acupuncturist, who diagnosed my problem as a “Gallbladder meridian” issue, and my pain was cured after one treatment. I realized I had been having eye problems, (a symptom of a Fire element imbalance.) in recent years and a taxed my Gall Bladder daily by slathering ghee on everything I ate and downing an oily avocado daily. Testing this hypothesis, revealed a sharp pain returning in the evening after an avocado toast treat.
I was off to India for the Winter and did not return for additional Acupuncture treatments. In India I saw a”Siddha” doctor who prescribed micronutrients and pressed a series of marma points…But in a couple of days my symptoms returned. I checked into an Ayurvedic center for two weeks of a very simple diet, daily oilation massage from two young energetic lads and an hour daily of Yoga NIdra. In classic naturopathy, you simply remove the insults, and the body heals itself. But Ayurveda was a disappointment and my symptoms reappeared in-spite of my sattvic life style.
But the two weeks in the serene seaside setting, gave me time to contemplate what I call the medical intuitive “Carolyn Myss’s first law of Chronic Disease”…All chronic disease is rooted in an issue of personal power.
I realized that I was not taking responsibility for the emotional basis of my pain…The Gall Bladder in traditional Chinese medicine is associated with decision making, frustration and anger.
Frustration had been a constant in my childhood as I dealt with a physically abusive older brother who was hobbled by sibling revelry. In mid life I experienced powerlessness vis-a-vie the politics of living in a community environment, and the profound frustration we all feel of caring about the state of our planet.
Most recently I got myself into an excruciating emotional bind, moving my family to Arcata into an unfinished remodeling, that was going painfully slowly and was painfully expensive. Dealing with my experience of the emotional pressure from my family to meet their needs, throughout the move and slow remodeling for what was essentially my decision had been quite a journey in frustration and challenges to patience and equanimity on all our parts.
As the remodeling was still ongoing I had to look deeply into my attitude. I realized that for all my constant attempts to “push the river”…the Universe had taken wonderful care of me and had consistently actualized a life that was so much better than anything I could have dreamed off!
My resolve is to surrender to the universe, to trust Totality. So this is my mantra…Trust Totality…Any time I find my mind in frustration, fear, or worry.. I use these thoughts as a reminder to Trust Totality… My prayer…that I be guided to the inspiration and wisdom to cultivate bodily comfort, bodily ease, health and wellbeing.
Of course I appreciate that it will take a strong commitment to counter a lifetimes confused and contradictory mental and emotional impulses, and the presence of this armoring in the energy, tissue and emotional posture of my body. OH! I wish I had a Polarity Therapist to work with! If you trained with me and your around Arcata... Please give me a call about a trade.
I am looking forward to our annual Polarity Diet as a powerful liver/gallbladder cleanse once the weather begins to warm up.
So after a Google search for Gallbladder Meridian Self Help… I am doing a series of daily stretches and tonics and Goddess willing that empower me to take 100% responsibility for my health…Yes I am pain free again! Thanks to Totality for guidance to this multidimensional approach, it looks like I have avoided going under the surgical knife of the medical industrial complex…Goddess Bless, Bruce
The doctrine of “The Supremacy of Intelligence”...
Autopoiesis…self creating…is the term Humberto Maturana, the Chilean biologist uses to describe the definitive characteristic of life.
Every atom, molecule, cell and living organism of creation is a cybernetic field of energy maintaining its definitive state of homeostasis.
This cybernetic process of homeostasis…the ability to learn...to integrate experience into expression... is the very definition of “intelligence“.
Self Creation describes an intelligent living organism's ability to recreate itself vis a vie its environment.
A constant emphasis of the ancient East Indian Upanishads is to define the stuff of the cosmos as INTELLIGENCE and INTELLIGENCE ONLY! The Upanishads are revered as the pinnacle of the ancient esoteric teachings of India. In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanishad (which is considered to be one of the most important of the Upanishads), the sage Yajnavalkya explains:
“As a mass of salt is without inside, without outside, is altogether a mass of taste, even so, verily, is this Self without inside, without outside, altogether a mass of intelligence only.”
In our moment to moment living, we experience this very same "intelligence" as cognizance, awareness, lucidity, presence. While everything in creation changes... this Presence is unchanging. From your first breath of life to your last gasp as life leaves your body...you are present, cognizant, aware... of your experience. In Indian philosophy this Presence is called the SELF. This "SELF" is recognized as the GOD IN EVERYTHING.
The doctrine of “The Supremacy of Intelligence”...
In one of the principal Upanishads, the Kausitaki-Brahmana, the God Indra, the King of Heaven, is asked for a boon deemed to be the most beneficial for mankind. Sri Indra exhorts: “Understand me only," and reveals the doctrine of “The Supremacy of Intelligence.”
Verily, if there were no elements of intelligence, there would be no elements of existence. . . . For as in a chariot the felly is fixed on the spokes and the spokes are fixed on the hub, even so these elements of existence are fixed on the elements of intelligence and the elements of intelligence are fixed in the breathing spirit. The same breathing spirit is, truly, the intelligent SELF, bliss, ageless, immortal.
Thus we are choosing to look at the body on molecular and cellular levels as fields, within fields, of intelligence and intelligence only.
Energy fields are dynamic states of equilibrium. Each potential point in the field, is simply, information, cognizant of it's relationship to the whole...Energy fields are a fabric of Intelligence and Intelligence only....Thus on molecular and cellular levels the body is essentially consciousness/sentience.
Our Bodily Posture
Our feelings about ourselves and our world... of safety or fear, joy or sadness, hope or despair are in each moment projected into the world from our body/mind. Feelings flood every dimension of our body. Joy is a total bodily experience...sadness can not be found in one isolated part of the body. Our bodily response is total, whole...Over time our habitual patterns of response to our experience form our posture toward the world.
I think back to my childhood… my older brother and I were left alone, at home, unsupervised for hours each day. Bobby was four years older than me…and I believe, hobbled by his sibling rivalry toward me, mom’s favorite, the baby of the family.
I will always remember the royal blue paint on the walls of the bedroom we shared and the infinite hours I spent crying and screaming as we fought, and fought daily over almost two decades of childhood.
I believe that my body still… a half century later….holds an energetic posture towards the world, rooted in the molecular flow of energy, of this pattern of rage and frustration.
So as I deal with a chronic gall bladder meridian issue (fear, rage, frustration) in my 81st year of life…I must face lifelong feelings of powerlessness.
An Evolutionary Perspective on Trauma
In recent decades there has been a revolutionary breakthrough in Psychology. An understand that trauma is held on much more primordial levels than the organisms mind or emotions. In trauma the body responds on a cellular level contracting to block experiences that overwhelm its resources for survival/wellbeing/homeostasis.
This cellular contraction in the tissue and energy of the body is easily released when the being experiences that it's safe to feel, safe to breath, safe to be present in the body.
Life (whose fundamental quality is Presence) unfolds its creative potential through the body. In trauma, the bodies overwhelmed in its capacity to be present in the bodily experience and the organism contracts on cellular and molecular levels. Presence releases trauma.
Freedom And Obsession
The life giving cybernetic dance of cosmic intelligence described above is rooted in freedom. For when our freedom is thwarted, we are powerless to take full responsibility for our response.
Freedom, the freedom to fully respond to the challenges of our environment is molecular and cellular.
When our freedom to respond intelligently to the challenges of our environment is thwarted…. Our minds spin in obsession…a definitive characteristic of trauma.
Mental and emotional obsession, sends an incessant flow of confused and contradictory, mental and emotional impulses into the nervous system and musculature, which defines our emotional posture toward the world. The obsessive traumatized mind creates our body armoring… the underlying emotional posture.
Each powerless obsessive thought, sends confused and contradictory, mental and emotional impulses into the nervous system and musculature...
We understand this as the basis of emotional body armoring.
Hip Replacement? #3
Psychic Surgery or
The Comfortable Sweater of Emotional Armoring
My prayer, is for the highest guidance and inspiration as I face life’s challenges…So I was not surprised, last week at Kirtan (devotional chanting) to meet a couple, who offered what I can begin to describe as ”psychic surgery”.
She explained that spirit guided her to experience and in that process clear your pain. Trusting that I was being guided…I signed up for a session.
As she placed her hands on my sacrum, and began to make other worldly sounds…I became present for deeply buried feeling’s of sadness, shame, failure, and exhaustion from the most challenging moments of my life… she cried out with pain and catharsis again and again throughout the work.
No pain the next day!…but it was short lived… as I was spun into a situation of massive powerlessness and frustration, as TurboTax 22, froze in what seemed to be an insurmountable dilemma…
Fortunately higher intelligence took pity on me, and after a few forced quits and reboots, and a live TurboTax technician holding my hand, I was able to suspend the (#@&#!,) password requirement and move past the dialogue box that had been hung up…
The experience of digital despair was right up there with my worst moments since I had first faced the challenges, of the self taught path toward digital equanimity and literacy in 1987.
Yes the pain in my leg returned…But, to take 100% responsibility for my experience… the question is… Did I manifest this Turbotax22 experience to recast my comfort zone of emotional armoring? Was I too open after the psychic surgery? Had I unconsciously chosen the familiar emotional sweater of frustration and powerlessness over the vulnerability of openness and the unknown?
Fortunately yesterday, I was finally able to return to the acupuncturist who had helped me so much last year… So I am once again, optimistic about the future.
An Ever Evolving Breath
Unfolding The Creative Potential of The Cosmos
What is the point of hanging my emotional laundry out in public?
You might ask, what is the point of hanging my emotional laundry out in public like this? My reply, is that I believe, that the key to healing, is feeling safe to be vulnerable…
I offer an “Evolutionary Model of Healing”. Brahma, the creator, is an ever evolving breath. The one universal life breath, unfolds its creative potential by breathing out each of us.
Each of us, is the unfolding of the creative potential of The Universal Life. Each of us is the personification of a moment of cosmic evolution.
My belief, is that each of us, is the unique personification of an instant of the cosmos. That each of us, has a dharma, to be totally present in our experience as our life unfolds.
One’s vulnerability is sacred, as the unique embodiment of the dynamics of the zodiac, the cosmos…Totality.
Our Presence, our cognizance, the lucidity of being alive, is the Self Organizing Intelligence of the cosmos…the Omnipresence.
The process of healing and maturation is one of evolving resources for being comfortable and safe to be ourselves….. Safe to be vulnerable, safe to be feeling, safe to be fully alive..safe to be fully present in our bodily experience…. of the unique and sacred destiny that each of us enjoys.
Blessings, Bruce
The doctrine of “The Supremacy of Intelligence”...
Autopoiesis…self creating…is the term Humberto Maturana, the Chilean biologist uses to describe the definitive characteristic of life.
Every atom, molecule, cell and living organism of creation is a cybernetic field of energy maintaining its definitive state of homeostasis.
This cybernetic process of homeostasis…the ability to learn...to integrate experience into expression... is the very definition of “intelligence“.
Self Creation describes an intelligent living organism's ability to recreate itself vis a vie its environment.
A constant emphasis of the ancient East Indian Upanishads is to define the stuff of the cosmos as INTELLIGENCE and INTELLIGENCE ONLY!
The Upanishads are revered as the pinnacle of the ancient esoteric teachings of India. In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanishad (which is considered to be one of the most important of the Upanishads), the sage Yajnavalkya explains:
“As a mass of salt is without inside, without outside, is altogether a mass of taste, even so, verily, is this Self without inside, without outside, altogether a mass of intelligence only.”
In our moment to moment living, we experience this very same "intelligence" as cognizance, awareness, lucidity, presence.
While everything in creation changes... this Presence is unchanging. From your first breath of life to your last gasp as life leaves your body...you are present, cognizant, aware... of your experience.
In Indian philosophy this Presence is called the SELF. This "SELF" is recognized as the GOD IN EVERYTHING.
The doctrine of “The Supremacy of Intelligence”...
In one of the principal Upanishads, the Kausitaki-Brahmana, the God Indra, the King of Heaven, is asked for a boon deemed to be the most beneficial for mankind. Sri Indra exhorts: “Understand me only," and reveals the doctrine of “The Supremacy of Intelligence.”
Verily, if there were no elements of intelligence, there would be no elements of existence. . . . For as in a chariot the felly is fixed on the spokes and the spokes are fixed on the hub, even so these elements of existence are fixed on the elements of intelligence and the elements of intelligence are fixed in the breathing spirit. The same breathing spirit is, truly, the intelligent SELF, bliss, ageless, immortal.
Thus we are choosing to look at the body on molecular and cellular levels as fields, within fields, of intelligence and intelligence only.
Energy fields are dynamic states of equilibrium. Each potential point in the field, is simply, information, cognizant of it's relationship to the whole...Energy fields are a fabric of Intelligence and Intelligence only....Thus on molecular and cellular levels the body is essentially consciousness/sentience.
Our Bodily Posture
Our feelings about ourselves and our world... of safety or fear, joy or sadness, hope or despair are in each moment projected into the world from our body/mind. Feelings flood every dimension of our body. Joy is a total bodily experience...sadness can not be found in one isolated part of the body. Our bodily response is total, whole...Our habitual patterns of response to our experience form our posture toward the world.
I think back to my childhood… my older brother and I were left alone, at home, unsupervised for hours each day. Bobby was four years older than me…and I believe, hobbled by his sibling rivalry toward me, mom’s favorite, the baby of the family.
I will always remember the royal blue paint on the walls of the bedroom we shared and the infinite hours I spent crying and screaming as we fought, and fought daily over almost two decades of childhood.
I believe that my body still… a half century later….holds an energetic posture towards the world, rooted in the molecular flow of energy, of this pattern of rage and frustration.
So as I deal with a chronic gall bladder meridian issue (fear, rage, frustration) in my 81st year of life…I must face lifelong feelings of powerlessness.
An Evolutionary Perspective on Trauma
In recent decades there has been a revolutionary breakthrough in Psychology. An understand that trauma is held on much more primordial levels than the organisms mind or emotions. In trauma the body responds on a cellular level contracting to block experiences that overwhelm its resources for survival/wellbeing/homeostasis.
This cellular contraction in the tissue and energy of the body is easily released when the being experiences that its safe to breath, safe to feel, safe to be present in the body.
Life (whose fundamental quality is Presence) unfolds its creative potential through the body. In trauma, the bodies overwhelmed in its capacity to be present in the bodily experience and the organism contracts on cellular and molecular levels. Presence releases trauma.
Freedom And Obsession
The life giving cybernetic dance of cosmic intelligence described above is rooted in freedom. For when our freedom is thwarted, we are powerless to take full responsibility for our response.
Freedom, the freedom to fully respond to the challenges of our environment is molecular and cellular.
When our freedom to respond intelligently to the challenges of our environment is thwarted…. Our minds spin in obsession…a definitive characteristic of trauma.
Mental and emotional obsession, sends an incessant flow of confused and contradictory, mental and emotional impulses into the nervous system and musculature, which defines our emotional posture toward the world. The obsessive traumatized mind creates body armoring… underlying our emotional posture.
Each powerless obsessive thought, sends confused and contradictory, mental and emotional impulses into the nervous system and musculature...
We understand this as the basis of emotional body armoring.
To be continued...
Babbit's Atom...
Key to the Secret Teachings of All Ages
Babbitt’s Atom: The Key to the Secret Teachings of All Ages
In this essay we look at the work of the father of modern color therapy, the brilliant nineteenth-century metaphysician Edwin D. Babbitt, M.D., L.L.D., In his profound book The Principles of Light and Color, Dr. Babbitt unfolds the “Harmonic Laws of the Universe.” Like the Sanatana Dharma, Babbitt’s atomic theory is based on sacred sound vibration.
Manly P. Hall, has been called the “dean” of American esoteric studies. Centered on the very first page of his magnum opus, The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabalistic, Rosicrucian, and Symbolic Philosophy, is an illustration of Babbitt’s atom. In the caption under this illustration he describes Babbitt as a “genius.” This illustration in the center of page one of Hall’s magnum opus, with Babbitt introduced as a genius, indicates that Hall felt...
"...that Babbitt’s atom was the “Rosetta Stone” of Hermetic understanding—and the key to the secret teachings of all ages."
Babbitt's Microclairvoyant Vision of Molecular Dynamics!
Babbitt was reputed to have an expanded threshold of perception through which he could see energy fields on an atomic level and observe molecular dynamics. Writing in the 1850s he discussed left and right brain differences and theorized an “atomic bomb.”
Babbitt presided over The New York College of Magnetics, which had branches in California and abroad. The college offered courses in healing based on an exact science of “Magnetic, Electrical, Chemical, Solar and Spiritual Forces which underlie everything.”2 His home study courses in “Chromo Therapeutics” (color therapy) and natural healing had a large following. Through his influence color therapy was widely practiced as a healing modality until its demise under attack by antiquackery laws with the rise of the medical industrial complex.
In his The Principles of Light and Color Babbitt unveils “The Harmonic Laws of the Universe.” He explains:
"The lines of atomic forces, are doubtless not in circles, this being contrary to the general untrammeled movements of nature, as the pathway of missiles, cataracts and planets is in the sections of a cone . . . atoms are in ellipsoids, or rather in the modifications of this form in the ovid . . . One thing in proof of this is in the fact that atoms combine and polarize better by having a smaller end, while, as we have shown, the law of positive and negative action forces one end to be smaller than the other".
Sound and sympathetic vibration are the keys...
Polar Cohesion of atoms
Babbitt's understanding parallels the ancient wisdom. In his model sound and sympathetic vibration are the key to the process of the polar cohesion of atoms. He writes:
"Why are ethers drawn from spirals of one atom to the same kind of spirals in a contiguous atom, and why does a certain grade of ether exactly harmonize with, and seek out, a certain size spiral? For the same reason that a tuning-fork or the cord of a piano will be set into vibration by a tone made in its own key. In the case of the piano, a chord vibrates to tones of its own pitch, or in other words, to tones whose waves synchronize with its own vibrations. Let us apply this principle to atoms. The vibratory action of the red spiral throws the current of ether which passes through it into the eddy-like whirl which just harmonizes in size and form to the red spiral of the next atom above it with which it comes into contact, and which must necessarily draw it on. This second atom passes it on to the red spiral of the third, the third to the fourth, and so on through millions of miles, so long as there is a spiral of the right grade to conduct it onward. "
Babbitt’s Atom: "atomic coil or helix"
Babbitt’s atom is based on the principle of polarity. The positive fields are characterized by heat and expansion; the negative are cold and contracting. Babbitt’s model portrays a hierarchy of energy fields.
"This hierarchy includes the “main spiral” which passes around the atom as well as “sub spirals” which encircle the main spiral, called “first spirilla” or little spiral, second spirilla, and third spirilla, following nature’s "law of trinal gradiation," to use Babbitt’s terms. These all move in the same direction— as above, so below just as the Sun, planets, and Moon move through space in the same direction from east to west. There is also a hierarchy between the coarser more external spirals which Babbitt calls the "extra spirals," the finer spirals set farther in called the "intra spirals," and the third level of the hierarchy, the "axial currents" or "atomic vortex" at the core. Babbitt pictures a gradation of three to seven spirals in each hierarchical field."
Thus, Babbitt’s atom portrays a hierarchy of three fields following his law of trinal gradiation. The triad of resonance facilitates the alignment of atoms through polar cohesion to manifest solidity. In polar cohesion (figure 1.) the ligo (male/protruding and female/receptive connectors) of the upper atom glides into the ligo of the lower, and thus the two atoms become riveted together by the vortex of the axial currents. The more gross extra spirilla keep the upper atom from being drawn into the lower atom.
Lateral Cohesion
Lateral cohesion (see figure above) takes place through the eddies of the external positive spirilla aligning with the negative spirilla. Lateral cohesion is ruled by the thermal expansive positive polarity and is not as strong as the contractive cohesion of the axial current.
Transverse Cohesion of atoms
Babbitt continues:
"We have ascertained . . . that the spiral, itself the most beautiful of continuous forms, is the great leading law of motion in nature. Let us presume, then, that the spiral direction rules in atoms as well as in worlds, especially as, according to the great unity of law, we must judge the unknown by the known. In fact the spiral is a necessity if we are to get any continuous lines around the atom and have it progress regularly so as to cover its whole form and then to convey its force to the next atom. So far, then, we have the external atom clad with spiral lines of force, or rather, a spiral framework, and tube work through which, and over which, this force must vibrate and flow."
Babbitt’s research leads him to a paradigm which parallels that of the profound ancient samkhya model:
"But from the nature of things there must have been an almost infinitely subtle elastic, infrangible Intersoul, all-penetrating, all quickening, and filling the whole realm of being. This may be termed Spirit or the soul of things. If we should take these two great departments of the universe separately, we should have Spirit on the one side as a limitless, unformulated substance and matter on the other side, as an unpolarized and lifeless mass."
As below, so above. We can find valuable suggestions for research in energy systems through Babbitt’s model. The law of trinal gradiation is fundamental to the dynamics of Babbitt’s paradigm much as the three gunas are the foundation of cosmogenesis in the Sanatana Dharma.
Synthesizing Babbitt’s model with the Polarity model we find that in the torso the shoulder and hips parallel the "extra spirals" and embody the Fire principle of directed force for external interactions. The internal focus of body building and cleansing parallel Babbitt’s "inter spirals" and the Water principle as an energy system. The "axial current" parallels the ultrasonic core which Babbitt calls the "intersoul." Thus, the involutionary currents parallel Babbitt’s inter spirals, the evolutionary currents parallel the extra spirals, and ultrasonic core parallels the axial current.
The extra spirals in Babbitt’s atom parallel Polarity’s Fire principle, the intra spirals parallel the Water principle, and the ultrasonic core parallels the axial currents.
Human energy fields are subsystems of the energy of nature and the solar system. The poles of this system are the Sun and the Moon/Earth. Everything in nature grows in entrainment with these forces of rajas and tamas. During involution, superior fields entrain with the centrifugal solar forces, inferior fields with the lunar contracting pole. In evolution the fields reverse polarity with inferior fields expanding centrifugally and superior contracting centripetally. Physical energy fields take on their characteristic heart shape as subsystems within this energy dynamic.
“the ultimate physical atom” seen as a manifestation of pure life force spinning perpetually through itself.
Dr. Annie Besant and Bishop Charles Leadbeater’s clairvoyant picture of the heart of the universe “the ultimate physical atom” seen as a manifestation of pure life force spinning perpetually through itself. This image is remarkably similar to Babbitt’s atom. Occult Chemistry is the report of micro-clairvoyant research which took place between 1895 and 1933 by a group of gifted Theosophists in England and India.
Using microclairvoyant powers, they developed a “Periodic Table of the Elements.” From carbon to uranium, they described and diagramed fifty-seven chemical elements, the basic constituents of matter, and developed a formula for ascertaining their atomic weight. They found ninety-nine distinct elements including a number that were yet to be discovered.
The book published in 1980, Extra Sensory Perception of Quarks(Theosophical Publishing), demonstrates that the research of Dr. Besant and Bishop Leadbeater had indeed been accurate and has been largely confirmed by a half-century of scientific subatomic research.17
This discussion of Babbitt's atom provides a good foundation for my recent Energy Medicine Class...where I talk about what I believe is the most important contribution of my life's work to the traditions
of hermetic understanding.
"Creation As Music"
Is it possible that our bodies and all of nature are musical instruments played on a molecular level by the breath of life?
Cross culturally and transhistorically, the science of ancient cultures was based on an understanding of the elements: Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth.
Bruce explains that the "Elements" are best understood as "Elemental Keynotes of vibration" which are fundamental to the organization of Nature.
Bruce offers a vision of the cycle of the breath, modulating the pitch of the tissues in the body and energy fields in Nature and the cosmos as an infinite harmony of sympathetic vibration.
On YouTube...40 minutes... Click link below to enjoy...
Creation As MusicIs it possible that our bodies and all of nature are musical instruments played on a molecular level by the breath of life?
The Golden Ratio Spiral
The Golden Ratio Spiral is the mathematical expression of the breath of life.... Universally creation approximates the golden ratio spiral.
From the double helix of DNA to the spiraling galaxies we witness the ubiquity of the golden ratio spiral.
In the spiraling of a canaries claw, the distribution of branches around a tree trunk, or the optimum trajectory of a hawk hunting... we observe the golden ratio spiral.
East Indian philosophy views all creation as a unitary life. Everything that moves is the life breath of a living universe.
Brahma is the name given to this universal life breath. Brahma is an ever expanding breath, unfolding the creative potency of Life Eternal...
In exactly the same way that breath animates your body, the infinite body of the universe is animated by Brahma.
The key to this mystery is in the profound dynamics of the golden ratio spiral. The golden ratio spiral is the mathematical expression of the breath of life....
All energy in nature expresses the underlying ubiquity of the golden ratio spiral and as form is an expression of the dynamics of the underlying energy. All forms in nature approximate the golden ratio spiral.
Profound Properties of The Spiral*
The spiral has a number of remarkable properties.
* It both comes from and returns to its source
* It is a continuum whose ends are opposite and yet the same
* It demonstrates the cycles of change within the continuum
* It demonstrates the alternation of the polarities of each cycle
* It embodies the principles of expansion and contraction, through change of velocity
* It embodies the potential for simultaneous movement in either direction towards its two extremities.
* On the spherical vortex these extremities, the center and periphery, flow into each other
* On the spherical vortex these extremities are essentially interchangeable…
*Jill Purce, The Mystic Spiral: Journey of The Soul
Golden Spiral Lissajous figure dancing as a horn torus
The golden ratio spiral is the mathematical expression of the synergy of creation...
Synergy describes a maximal integration between the parts and the whole.
We live in an ocean of life breath... Spiritus, the Latin word for breath... spirals from the macrocosm of the body to senselessly animate every field down to the microcosm of cells, molecules, atoms and quarks within.
This life sustaining dynamic is made possible through the synergy of the golden ratio spiral which aligns to
facilitate the infinite nesting of energy fields... within energy fields
The Mystery of the Cup of the Holy Grail is revealed in the infinite recursiveness of the golden ration spiral.
Illustrating a fundamental dynamic universally of all energy fields...
At The Speed Of Life!
A deeper contemplation of the ancient wisdom of India takes us beyond the dramatic iconography of personified gods and goddesses to reveal the fundamental dynamics underlying creation!
Vedanta the culmination of knowledge has the capacity to shatter our concepts about God...the mystification, glamour and patriarchal iconography that has been forced upon humanity over the millennium.
The Upanishads, ancient esoteric commentaries reveal that the stuff of creation is Intelligence! An all pervasive... omnipresent... universal intelligence...as the definitive characteristic of matter, life and consciousness.
“As a mass of salt is without inside, without outside, is altogether a mass of taste, even so, verily, is this Self without inside, without outside, altogether a mass of intelligence only...” Brhadaranyaka Upanishad
“Understand me only," and reveals the doctrine of “The Supremacy of Intelligence.”
For verily, without intelligence, speech does not make known (to the self) any name whatsoever. "My mind was elsewhere," he says, "I did not cognise that name."
For verily, without intelligence breath does not make known any odor whatsoever. "My mind was elsewhere," he says. "I did not cognise that odor."
For verily, without intelligence the ear does make known any sound whatsoever. "My mind was elsewhere,” he says, "I did not cognise that sound." . . .
Verily, if there were no elements of intelligence, there would be no elements of existence. . . . For as in a chariot the felly is fixed on the spokes and the spokes are fixed on the hub, even so these elements of existence are fixed on the elements of intelligence and the elements of intelligence are fixed in the breathing spirit. The same breathing spirit is, truly, the intelligent Self, bliss, ageless, immortal." Kausitaki-Brahmana
The dynamic of the Lissajous figure dancing through a horn Taurus illustrates the cybernetic feedback loop that defines energy fields. Energy universally moves from a nucleus into a field and back to its source... gathering information for self correction.
The Golden Ratio is the mathematics of the Breath of Brahma... The Breath of the Cosmos...
(Link to Chapter 8 of Esoteric Anatomy & Bruce's discussion of The Golden Ratio)
In EXACTLY THE SAME WAY...that we can say that everything that moves in your body from quark to macrocosm is is sustained by the breath of life.... Everything that moves in creation from quark to galaxy is the spiraling breath of Brahma. Universe means, attuned to one coil...and that one coil is the golden spiral.
The profound beauty of the golden ratio spiral is that it is infinitely recursive... fields within fields seamless nest within each other in an infinite holoarchy.
Recursiveness is the fundamental dynamic of energy fields. Is Recursiveness the definition of consciousness?....is consciousness recursiveness!
The ability to learn is our definition of intelligence. Recursiveness is the fundamental dynamic of energy fields. Contemporary biologists reveal that the definitive characteristic of life is autopoesis... Self Creation... the ability to replicate and recreate itself... This is the universal basis of all living processes in Nature.
There is a Self Organizing Intelligence at the heart of everything. Every atom, molecule, cell of living organisms is a feedback loop, maintaining its homeostasis.
Every living organism is constantly dealing with its environment. Using this input to self correct and maintain its viability. This ability to integrate input from the environment into expression is the very definition of intelligence.
Biologists have coined the word autopoiesis which means "self creating" to describe this defining quality of living beings. In the course of its life , a living organisms is constantly recreating and replacing its cells.
While every living cell is incessantly changing as it grows and interacts with its environment... through processes of homeostasis and autopoiesis this "Intelligence" is unchanging.
Shiva and Shakti.... Bhava and Bhavani
The Upanishads are revered as the pinnacle of the ancient esoteric teachings of India. In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanishad (which is considered to be one of the most important of the Upanishads), Yajnavalkya explains:
“As a mass of salt is without inside, without outside, is altogether a mass of taste, even so, verily, is this Self without inside, without outside, altogether a mass of intelligence only.”
In the macrocosm of our lives, we experience this very same "intelligence" as cognizance, awareness... presence.
While everything in creation changes... this Presence is unchanging. From your first breath of life to your last gasp as life leaves your body...you are present, cognizant, aware... of your experience.
In Indian philosophy this Presence is called the Self. This "SELF" is recognized as the GOD IN EVERYTHING.
In our approach to Energy Medicine we are constantly focused on working with this all pervasive, living, Divine Intelligence...
In the ancient wisdom of India, a distinction is offered between "Shiva" defined as unchanging Being... Pure consciousness, presence, intelligence and "Shakti" Bhavani the living goddess of Nature which is incessantly changing... Becoming.
Shiva means auspicious and describes the scintillating experience of being alive and conscious, of seeing, touching feeling. The whole tamale of being alive and conscious in a body.
Therapeutic Presence In The Healing Arts
In the last 50 years I participated in a revolution in our understanding of healing. A realization that the foundation of healing is "Therapeutic Presence."
The understanding that the healing essence found within the myriad of diverse approaches to healing is Therapeutic Presence.
A body disintegrates when it becomes too dense or toxic and resistant to the self correcting essence of this intelligence... this is the disease process.
Wholistic healing revolves around taking responsibility for cleansing, mobilizing and nourishing the fluidity of our bodies and a receptivity to our innate "Higher Intelligence".
The Profound Power of Therapeutic Presence in the Healing Arts
The foundation of our approach to Energy Medicine is our understanding of "Presence" as the power conventionally called "The Soul". The animating force which is the at the root of Life.
In our approach to Energy Medicine we offer a sophisticated, hands on approach for promoting high level health and well-being based on the ancient wisdom of yoga philosophy.
I would encourage you to buy my book Esoteric Anatomy: The Body As Consciousness where we unfold a profoundly effective hands on approach to working with Therapeutic Presence in life and in the healing arts.
God lives within you (Intelligence) as you (Presence)...
You can learn to unleash your inherent divine healing power and become a healing force in your world .
I invite you to join our nourishing and empowering healing arts personal growth and career training programs.
It is vital that postmodern humanity realize just how deeply we have been brainwashed.
The dominant materialist paradigm which denies the divinity of life... makes possible…an apocalyptical exploitation of nature and humanity which today threatens life itself.
We are the daughters and sons of Abraham... the biblical religions express the ideology of warlords...a God safely in heaven permits, even promotes the pillage, plunder and rape of those nonbelivers in monotheism... who worshiped the divinity of mother earth.
Centuries of Christian and Islamic merciless crusades and draconian inquisitions gave birth to the dominant paradigm... a secular, materialist world view.
The Crusaders proudly burned the libraries at Constantinople and Alexandria, and the Conquistadors understood that knowledge was power, vanquished the culture of indigenous peoples. Centuries of draconian inquisitions by the church have left western culture brainwashed in ignorance and muddled in confusing and unsatifying spiritual gobbledygook, mystyfying pomp and hollow ritual.
Gazing at Stonehenge or the great pyramids of the Egyptians or Mayans we blindly speculate on the most fundamental questions are these temples or tombs? Experts have been stumbling through lifetimes of ignorance trying to decipher the ABC’s of the hieroglyphics of the ancients.
Mother India is unique in the world as the only place on earth where the ancient wisdom has not been destroyed by imperialism and the church.
India holds a uniquely valuable place on earth for its thriving connection to the ancient wisdom. In India a vast literature exists, and more important a flourishing way of life in temple and home that has been carried on from time immemorial. Archeological evidence points to a culture in India that is tens of thousands years older than the relics of Egypt or Central America.Some scholars date the Rig Veda as early as 12,000 BCE. Archeologists have carbon dated relics of great Indian cities to as much as 35,000 years BCE.
India offers an immersion in a way of life that had been practiced for millennium before Osiris, Christ, or the Mayan Popol Vuh.
Sanskrit Language Of The Gods
Indias profound oral tradition, has been carried on in Devanagari which means the perfected language or the language of the gods. Sanskrit is designed to facilitate impeccably reliable oral transmission. The Sanskrit literature is defined by rules and nemonic devices to hi-light and prevent errors. Rituals are carefully passed on father to son through the strict conventions of the Brahmins priestly caste and equally important way of life taught by mother to daughter in every home.
Hindus tell us that their Sanatana Dharma is not a faith based religion as in the west but a way of life which offers practices that promote a moment to moment experience of Yoga/Soul Communion. These pratices guide and illuminate every of element life from dawn to dusk, new moon to full moon, and birth to death. In India everything begins with a prayer, as all of life is sacred.
In the west we look toward psychology to heal the fear, self loathing, insecurity and alienation which dominates much of our inner life. Eastern traditions offer a sattvic way of life which over the milinnium has proven its efficacy to promote communion with Being and a moment to moment experience of Soul Communion and Presence/Satchitananda.
In the Sanatana Dharma, which offers a vast literature of spiritual contemplation and practice... the sacred is both transcendent, as in monotheism and immanent as in pantheism. The fundamental difference is a world view where all life is sacred while westerners are immersed in a materialistic world view and often slaves to materialism.
Indian wisdom is rooted in the realization that all life is sacred... That the universe is a living breathing conscious being...!
Sacred Cows
The Srimad Bhagavatam explains that the Sacred Cow embodies the divinity, kindness and generousity of Life. Of course its denigrated in the materialistic west as it is a symbol of India's sacred paradigm and the passionate realization of the divinity and unity of all life.
India offers a Sattvic way of life... Sattva (Being) is the force of equilibrium in Nature. A Sattvic life style facilitates...energetic coherence... where every cell... every field... of our bodies becomes coherent...a well to Being... promoting Soul Communion... Living in and as "The Presence" in health an harmony.
We invite you to immerse yourself in Unitive Consciousness by studying with Bruce...
Without Self Knowledge... we are slaves to our ignorance and the delusions which dominate our fragile egos and vulnerable personae.
5/14/20Strengthening Our Immune Response Naturally
A meta study published in the medical journal Frontiers Of Immunology analyzes 18 studies of 846 participants practicing mind-body interventions (MBIs). These studies reveal a pattern in the molecular changes which happen to the body as a result of MBIs, such as meditation and yoga and how those changes benefit our mental and physical health.
According to the study, people who practice MBIs exhibit a decrease in cytokines, leading to a reversal of the pro-inflammatory gene expression pattern and a reduction in the risk of inflammation-related diseases and conditions.
There is a mass of scientific literature demonstrating the power of meditation, yoga, and holistic health building practices to quickly and powerfully rearrange our DNA. In his recent book, Metahuman, Deepak Chopra quotes numerous studies that demonstrate that even a short, one week yoga or meditation retreat radically remakes the participants DNA!
Stressful lives, fear driven jobs, and layers of unresolved shock and trauma leave many of us in perpetual states of Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) activation.
“When a person is exposed to a stressful event, their sympathetic nervous system (SNS) -- the system responsible for the 'fight-or-flight' response -- is triggered, in turn increasing production of a molecule called nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) which regulates how our genes are expressed. NF-kB translates stress by activating genes to produce proteins called cytokines that cause inflammation at cellular level -- a reaction that is useful as a short-lived fight-or-flight reaction, but if persistent leads to a higher risk of cancer, accelerated aging and psychiatric disorders like depression.” Indeed it’s a cytokine storm of an inflammatory response flaring out of control that is likely to precipitate death during an attack of the coronavirus.
We Have the Power
Stay at home orders are designed to flatten the potentially exponential curve of the covid 19 epidemic. But at some point the curve is more than likely to catch up with us. We have the power to proactively strengthen our immune system. Yoga, meditation, whole food nutrition are a wise investment.
Our Energy Medicine: Transformational Therapy workshops are rooted in Somatic and Transpersonal Psychology. Our focus is clearing stress, shock and trauma from the SNS and building immunity through powerful energy balancing and mantra yoga practices. (Check out my YouTube video on hands-on techniques to release the SNS).
You are invited to join us at Heartwood this August for the Transformation of your life!
Massage and Healing Arts Professionals: Take a tax-deductible learning retreat at Heartwood!
Enjoy Heartwood’s pristine air and ecstatic natural setting in the foothills of California’s Yolly-Bolly mountains for our 14 day Energy Medicine program (Aug 7-21). Start each day with Energy Exercises and Mantra Yoga. Bask in the wisdom of Bruce’s liberating talks. Spend afternoons giving and receiving loving and nurturing energy balancing sessions. Enjoy Heartwood’s lovingly prepared whole food nutrition. (Check out Radka’s Testimonial).
In our Somatic Emotional Clearing workshop, (Aug 17-21) you will learn effective hands-on techniques to safely and skillfully clear stress, shock, and trauma from the Sympathetic Nervous System and re-establish the integrity of the Parasympathetic Nervous System.
Transformational Therapy: Energy Medicine Personal Growth & Career Training
Tiruvannamalai, India Jan. 8-25, 2021. Learn profoundly effective energy balancing protocols and principles that will heal and transform your life and the lives of your clients!
Our body is a field of energy. Every molecule is a well to Being. In a Parasympathetic state our energy is profoundly coherent and we align with The Source for health, happiness and a strengthened immune system.
Bruce Burger, MA, BCPP, Heartwood’s Founder
You Have The Power !
Resources For Building Your Immune System:
Easy Powerful Daily Energy Exercise Routine on YouTube (20 minutes)
Pranic Sound Bath: Daily Practice on YouTube (30 minutes)
Polarity Health Building Cleansing Diet (7-14 days)
You are not the Doer...
Working with Higher Intelligence...
The medium of life is Self-Organizing Intelligence. Living systems are defined by their ability to recreate them selves.
We live in an ocean of ultrasonic life force energy. Though beyond our five senses, this ultrasonic field sustains all life.
Each breath attunes our body as energy to this higher dimension. The brilliance of this Ultimate Intelligence is illustrated in the dynamics of the breath which is the foundation of life. Inspiration attunes the life fields to the yang, rajasic, expansive solar field and expiration to the yin, tamasic lunar field.
Where rajas and tamas meet, the two ultrasonic fields cancel each other in a still-point of sattva guna. Sattva Guna, is the force of equilibrium in Nature.
Sattva means Being and refers to the Source of this Great Mystery of Life. Every cycle of Life, self corrects, in every cycle with its Source... the resonance of "the Mystery of the Holy Word." We live in an ocean of Divine Being!
Our bodies are a microcosm of creation... On molecular levels our energy fields dance in electro-magnetic dynamics of rajas and tamas emanating from a sattvic nucleus.
The cerebra-spinal fluid, spine, diaphragm, heart and hands are the most physical expressions of sattvic resonance. Presence is our most concentrated expression of this divine force.
Our hands are living divine tuning forks radiating sattvic resonance. Our knowledge and intention empower this force.
As healers we entrain with sattva guna (resonant field) through intention, stillness and presence.
The sattvic field is higher intelligence. It is the doer. Is is not our ego or knowledge of energy dynamics but the power of higher intelligence which is nourishing healing and transformation.
Our approach to Energy Medicine is defined by the lucidity and focus of our intention to address higher intelligence as the source of healing, health and high level wellness.
Join us, in taking responsibility for healing our world. one person at a time.
Starting with you...
Blessings, Bruce
In The Beginning is the Word...
Your Subtle Body is an Ultrasonic Field
In Yoga Philosophy, Brahma is the name of the aspect of The Great Mystery that rules creation. Brahma is described as an ever expanding breath, unfolding the creative potency of Life Eternal... an unchanging absolute of pure consciousness.
Brahma is understood to be a very subtle force whose manifest power lies in its feminine aspect Vac Devi. Vac Devi is the personification of the mystery and powers of the "Holy Word".
The most immediate quality of Vac Devi and the mystery of the holy word...is Life itself! For breath is "the breath of life". Each breath is a microcosm of the galactic mystery of Life and Consciousness. Each breath pregnant with all the powers of Life Eternal.
Breath's dynamic of inspiration/expiration, yang/yin, rajas/tamas, has been called "the two hands of God". Within this is what sages have called "the order of creation" the holographic spectrum of consciousness embodied in the breath that sustains life.
Yoga offers us powerful practical tools for applying this wisdom for healing and high level wellness. Pranayama, control of the life force, is lauded as the most powerful way to heal the heart and quiet the mind.
Gayatri Pranayama
A foundation for daily self-care is the powerful Gayatri Pranayama which we share in our workshops. Life moves from within to without, from the nucleus into the field, from subtle to material. With pranayama we work on the subtle fields of life to heal and transform the physical.
Subtle energy is ultrasonic. The medium of Ether is sound. Your subtle body is an ultrasonic body. Enlisting the powers of Vac Devi is a key to healing and high level wellness. Sound is an inter-dimensional portal.
In Gayatri pranayama we chant invocations to enlist the powers of the Bija mantras...seed-essences. To align the chakras of our etheric body with a higher dimension of vibration to facilitate health and happiness.
Pranayama works! These techniques have demonstrated their efficacy over thousands of years to heal, promote inner peace, well being and to dramatically accelerate your evolution...
Life Eternal
Every atom of your body is a well to Being... To Life Eternal. Promoting coherence on the molecular level through Esoteric Energy Balancing practices potentizes the fields to promote health and happiness.
You are invited to join us in India or California to learn safe, simple, practices to cultivate blissful, life enhancing states of Soul Communion.
There is a Self Organizing Intelligence at the heart of everything. Every atom, molecule, cell of living organisms is a feedback loop, maintaining its homeostasis.
Every living organism is constantly dealing with its environment. Using this input to self correct and maintain its viability. This ability to integrate input from the environment into expression is the very definition of intelligence.
Biologists have coined the word autopoiesis which means "self creating" to describe this defining quality of living beings. In the course of its life , a living organisms is constantly recreating and replacing its cells.
While every living cell is incessantly changing through processes of homeostasis and autopoiesis this "Intelligence" is unchanging.
Shiva and Shakti.... Bhava and Bhavani
The Upanishads are revered as the pinnacle of the ancient esoteric teachings of India. In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanishad (which is considered to be one of the most important of the Upanishads), Yajnavalkya explains:
“As a mass of salt is without inside, without outside, is altogether a mass of taste, even so, verily, is this Self without inside, without outside, altogether a mass of intelligence only.”
In the macrocosm of our lives, we experience this very same "intelligence" as cognizance, awareness... presence.
While everything in creation changes... this Presence is unchanging, From your first breath to your last gasp...you are present, cognizant, aware... of your experience.
In Indian philosophy this Presence is called the Self. This "SELF" is recognized as the GOD IN EVERYTHING.
In our approach to Energy Medicine we are constantly focused on working with this all pervasive, living intelligence...
In the ancient wisdom of India, a distinction is offered between "Shiva" defined as unchanging Being... Pure consciousness, presence, intelligence and "Shakti" Bhavani the living goddess of Nature which is incessantly changing... Becoming.
Shiva means auspicious and describes the scintillating experience of being alive and conscious, of seeing, touching feeling. The whole tamale of being alive and conscious in a body.
Therapeutic Presence In The Healing Arts
In the last 50 years I participated in a revolution in our understanding of healing. A realization that the foundation of healing is "Therapeutic Presence."
The understanding that the healing essence found within the myriad of diverse approaches to healing is Therapeutic Presence.
A body disintegrates when it becomes too dense or toxic and resistant to the self correcting essence of this intelligence... this is the disease process.
Wholistic healing revolves around taking responsibility for cleansing, mobilizing and nourishing fluidity of our bodies and a receptivity to our innate "Higher Intelligence".
The Profound Power of Therapeutic Presence in the Healing Arts
The foundation of our approach to Energy Medicine is our understanding of "Presence" as the power conventionally called "The Soul". The animating force which is the at the root of Life.
In our approach to Energy Medicine we offer a sophisticated, hands on approach for promoting high level health and well-being based on the ancient wisdom of yoga philosophy.
I would encourage you to buy my book Esoteric Anatomy: The Body As Consciousnesswhere we unfold a profoundly effective hands on approach to working with Therapeutic Presence in life and in the healing arts.
God lives within you (Intelligence) as you (Presence)... You can learn to unleash your inherent divine healing power and become a healing force in your world .
I invite you to join our nourishing and empowering healing arts personal growth and career training programs.
Earning a Certificate
Earning Certification
A Clarification...
Dear Ones:
Welcome to our Energy Medicine Transformational Therapy personal growth and professional training program.
In our training you will learn to work with Higher Intelligence through energy balancing to foster physical and emotional health and well-Being. We have a unique scope of practice, as our focus is a holistic approach to health building rather than a focus on disease.
Success in any endeavor is rooted in competence and confidence.
Our Energy Medicine programs offer a carefully orchestrated, step-by-step process for clearing the past, to foster healing, personal growth and to build competence and confidence. Our Energy Medicine programs have evolved over the decades to facilitate deep healing, profound levels of emotional clearing and rapid personal growth.
Our APP Energy Medicine program is Unique to the best of my knowledge. Most energy Balancing programs work with “Energy Tracing”, working with the Etheric Body to cultivate sensitivity to energy blocks and energy flow. For most students learning this approach, it takes a long time to actualize the sensitivity, competence and confidence to practice professionally.
In our approach you learn a series of immediately effective, powerful, experiential, energy balancing protocols. Working with the physical body as a dynamic electro-magnetic field you facilitate profound results and get amazing feedback from your very first session. The protocols are experiential: Sattvic is deeply relaxing; Rajasic energizing; Core, Spine and Pelvis… each offering a deeper dimension of scintillating energy movement and profound well-being.
Our approach rapidly builds confidence and competence.
Our programs offer an amazing opportunity to safely and skillfully address life’s deepest issues and to rapidly actualize healing and transformation.
A commitment to our Transformational Therapy immersion in India, or our year long program of study and practice in California provides a vehicle to build personal competence as a healing arts practitioner and nourish the confidence to take on the challenges of building a professional practice.
Certificate vs Certification
Organizations like APTA, (The American Polarity Therapy Association), PTEA (The Polarity Therapy Education Alliance), and Bruce Burger, Energy Medicine Seminars, award certificates of completion for recognition of educational achievement.
Only a government approved professional organization like the NCBTMB, (National Certification Board For Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork) can award "certification" to practice massage therapy.
A certificate like the APP though valuable personally, and marking a level of training and experience, does not represent any sort of official "certification”.
APTA for example offers The Standards for Practice and Code of Ethics, which is a brilliant 60 page booklet outlining the skills that facilitate competence in the practice of Dr Randolph Stones Polarity Therapy. APTA offers 3 levels of recognition of study of Dr Stones work: Associate Polarity Practitioner, (APP) requiring 155 Hours of study and practice; Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP) 520 hours and Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP). As APTA has aspirations to become a recognized certifying body, thus only meeting the BCPP educational standards of 800 total hours of training and BCPP test qualifies the student to practice Polarity Therapy. Regardless of your professional training, I highly recommend a life long study of Dr Stone’s profound work.
Our APTA approved APP program totals 110 class hours in our workshops and mastery of my book Esoteric Anatomy: The Body As Consciousness.
In addition one is required:
- To take a 10 hour basic muscular skeletal & anatomical terminology class
- Document 30 energy balancing sessions given
- Experience for your personal healing, 5 sessions
- received from an advanced Polarity Therapy practitioner like an RPP or BCPP
- Total 155 Hours
Health Freedom Legislation
January 1, 2003 marked the dawn of a new era... The initiation of California's Health Freedom Legislation. Practicing a healing art based on "esoteric" rather than "scientific" principles and working with the energy body is legalized and professionalized in California. Learn More Here>>>
I believe that our unique APP program qualifies you to practice Energy Medicine. The energy balancing protocols you will learn foster the deepest kind of healing through communion with a higher dimension of life giving Divine Intelligence.
I would be honored to award to you a certificate of achievement at the conclusion of your meeting our requirements and look forward to your practicing Energy Medicine through the application of these profoundly healing energy balancing principles and protocols.
Blessings, Bruce Burger
Will Wonder Woman
Save The World?
The Goddess Durga personifies the power of light to dispel darkness. Durga's celestial weapons include the discuss to decapitate the mind, Shiva's trident which rules molecular fields, and Varuna's conch and the powers of Aum the holy word. Vayu god of the wind (mind) gifted her a bow of intention and unlimited arrows (inspiration). Vishwakarma gave her a mace to shatter illusions and Yama god of death his own staff! Agni bestowed upon her the shakti of cosmic Fire. Indra the thunderboldt and Kubera lord of wealth, blessed her with the intoxicating wine of devotion. Brahma the creator, gave dear goddess Durga his own chalice overflowing with the waters of life.
Contemplating The Divine Feminine
The sage Jean Houston reminds us that the empowerment of women is the most important achievement of the twentieth century.
Are we living in the last season of patriarchy? Can we look forward to a springtime of humanity midwifed by the ascension of the feminine?
In a lifetime devoted to contemplating energy and the role of consciousness in the natural healing arts, I have come to a profound appreciation of the gifts of the feminine.
All of life is alive and breathing. Breath involves two polarities and a still point. Inspiration, expiration, Yang and yin, rajas and tamas are words which we use to describe the cosmic Fire and Water of the life cycle. The neutral source, a portal from a higher dimension of Being we characterize as the Tao, Sattva guna or the Air Element. Thus we can characterize the inspiration of the first months of the annual solar cycle as masculine and the fall signs as feminine.
The 12 months of the zodiac, embody the spectrum of consciousness which underlies the order of creation. Our annual experience of this solar cycle in the living encyclopedia of Nature within and around is one of life’s great teachings.
The months between Aries and Leo embody the involutionary cycle of consciousness manifesting as life. The involutionary cycle is naive, immature characterized by the enchanting romance of the spring signs of the zodiac and blind instinct of Nature to birth creation. Aries the seed, sprouting into I Am!, The Etheric ruled Taurus entrained with the chorus of spring dancing with the moon to build form. The playful flirtatious youthful Gemini leads us into Cancer which is always weaving a fertile and nourishing nest. The masculine signs reach a crescendo in the regal and proud delusions of Leo.
The fall signs of the zodiac unfold the characteristics of evolutionary expression. This more mature part of life's cycle is characterized by the overarching feminine quality of discriminating wisdom. Septembers Virgo embodies an essence of this feminine discriminating wisdom, ruling science and art and personified in service. Perhaps it seeds the other aspects of the fall cycle. Libra ruled by Venus is defined by a compulsion to love, harmony and beauty. Scorpio the deep magnetism of the feminine drawing from the infinite quarters of the cosmos the codex to manifest the miracles of life. Sagittarius offers sincerity, integrity and a love of learning. Capricorn rules a focus on structure and the cultivation of a solid foundation to carry us into ensuing cycles. Aquarius embodies the culmination of the evolutionary cycle of selfless service and life devoted to a higher purpose. In Pisces we sacrifice the illusion of individuality to merge back into cosmic Being.
In my experience regardless of your gender…the more feminine your manifestation, the more you embody discriminating wisdom, the more we can trust your values and judgment.
As an elder, I invite you, dear sisters and brothers, to trust your gifts, and to lean in and seize opportunities to take personal responsibility for manifesting the world of our dreams.
Are you the Wonder Woman we have been waiting for!
6/17/19 Understanding Human Energy Dynamics
Understanding Human Energy Dynamics
Human energy is living energy. Living energy is rooted in the breath. Breath and life are inseparable. To be alive is to breathe, to breathe is to be alive.
The ancient wisdom of India reveals that the world is sung into being. Lord Vishnu… Vishnu means to pervade… is asleep… symbolizing potential… in a milky… symbolizing all possibility… ocean… symbolizing infinite…upon a bed of serpents… symbolizing timeless.
In a dream… symbolizing a play of consciousness only… a lotus sprouts from his navel, and upon this lotus sprouts a four headed god Brahma. Brahma conceives of a goddess, who sings the world into creation (and by the way gives him a loving foot massage…. symbolizing that creation is a loving offering to the mystery.)
Brahma is the name given to the creator in the trinity of Vishnu source, and Shiva lord of dissolution. Brahma means an ever expanding, all encompassing breath. Brahma is the life breath of a living universe.
In exactly the same way that your breath vivifies your body from the macrocosm to the DNA… Everything that moves in creation from galaxy to quark is the breath of Brahma, the life breath of a living universe.
Brahma is a very subtle force in the play consciousness. Its’ only through Brahma’s female aspect, or Shakti that Brahma can effect prakriti Nature.
The feminine aspect… Shakti of Brahma is variously personified as Vac Devi, the personification of speech and the powers of the holy word, Saraswati Devi, Essence of Self, or Gayatri Devi, whose five heads symbolize the five winds or vayu’s of the elemental keynotes of creation: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether.
The World Is Music:
The vedas reveal that the world is sung into being. The ancient Sanskrit grammarian, Bhartrhari, states in his Vakyapadiya 1.112 “Vageva Vishwa Bhuvanani Jajne” The Universe is Birthed by Sound!
The ground state out of which creation emerges is the pranava (from pra-nu, to reverberate) of the primordial Holy Word… AUM. Creation is vibrating as an expression of ultimate intelligence, ultimate wisdom, ultimate love… in a sonic harmony of AUM.
The Goddess Saraswati is the personification of this mystery, the embodiment of an all pervasive divine creative intelligence. Her vehicle is the swan…the highest flying bird, which symbolizes the breath of life, the supreme principle in a living creation. The Great Mystery of life and consciousness, is carried on the breath.
Saraswati’s celestial instrument is the vina, which symbolizes creation.
Thus we have Ultimate Intelligence, carried on the breath of life, playing the music of creation.
For millennium musical instruments were often fashioned from the guts and hides of animals. For these guts and hides, resonated most profoundly with the mystery of music and the winds that carried these sounds to the heart and mind.
There is no musical instrument more perfect than the human body. Indeed the human body… like all of nature… is a musical instrument. The ancients understood this. The ancient sciences of Yang and Yin, Pitta and Kapha, Sulfer and Salt were based on this vibrational knowledge of the primacy of inspiration and expiration, of the breath of life.
The latin word for breath is spiritus. It comes from the same roots as our word spiral… It is Spiritus that plays the instrument of nature. As we breathe, the tissue of our bodies are stretched by the act of breathing in a cycle of attunement to nature and the cosmos.
On cellular and molecular levels the tissues stretches to modulate its’ musical pitch. As we breathe in, there is a lengthening of the tissue to the keynote of resonance that, cross culturally and trans-historically, the ancients called the Air element. Thus through attunement to the keynote Air, life force stepped down from the subtle universal elements into the gross material elements of form. Then in quantum fashion the inhalation ballooned the tissue into the radiant keynote and it entrained with the creative potency of the solar Fire element.
Next in the cycle of breath is a still-point, where inner and outer forces came into balance at the Earth elemental resonance. Then as the diaphragm descends… the tissue contracts into resonance with the lunar keynote of the Water element.
Nature is a fabric of ultrasonic resonance, attuned to the keynotes of: Earth, solidity; Water, the fluid medium for life force; Fire, the functioning of creative intelligence; Air the feedback process which is the essence of intelligence; and Ether which modulates sacred space between the subtle universal elements of the cosmos and the material elements of nature.
The Sanskrit word guna is derived from an Indo-European base gere…”twirl” or “wind”… The gunas describe spiraling vortices of vibrating energy fields.
Breathing is a process of cosmic and natural attunement that sustains life. As we breathe, the lengthening of the tissue, on a molecular level, entrains with the Source or Life Field of Sattva Guna and facilitates a step down of energy from the subtle universal to the gross material elements. Inspiration, modalities the molecular fields into entrainment with the creative potency of the solar resonance of the Fire element as the field leaps in quantum fashion to Rajas Guna. As the diaphragm descends, the field on every level of microcosm entrains with Tamas guna and the centripetal qualities of the Water element.
Life is sustained by the breath, through a process of cosmic and natural attunement. Cross culturally and trans historically the sciences of the ancients was rooted in this understanding of nature and the cosmos as a living breathing conscious being.
All of nature is vibrating in a life giving state of praise attuned to the voice of the Goddess Saraswati singing the holy word… singing the music of creation.
Not Just Vibration
Yes everything is vibration… but not the same vibration that we find in materialistic science.
In the Vedic paradigm energy is sound… sonic and ultrasonic. Sonic within the threshold of human experience and ultrasonic… the vibratory field of the universal breath that surrounds us, infuses and sustains all creation.
Sound is the medium of energy. Yin and Yang, Rajas and Tamas are ultrasonic polarities that underlie all life processes. Yin and Yang, Rajas and Tamas are life giving keynotes of the music of creation.
As Above So Below
It is of primary importance to understand that your voice is the personification of Vac Devi. That you embody the mystery and dynamic of creation.
All the powers, all the forces, all the qualities of the infinite ocean of life underlie your voice and its creative relationship to Nature.
All the powers, all the forces, all the qualities of the infinite ocean of consciousness underlie your voice and its creative relationship to the Cosmos.
You embody the Mystery
The sonic winds of Rajas and Tamas undulate through every cycle of creation from nano-quark to maha-pralaya… the great in-breath of the dissolution of creation. All changes take place within the all pervasive unchanging ABSOLUTE field of SATTVA the ground state of Aum- pranava - BEING.
In every cycle of life, from the smallest nano-atom to the greatest Manvantara of cosmic creation, where the spiraling breaths of Rajas and Tamas intersect, the two sonic currents entrain with SATTVA to self correct through the omnipresence of BEING.
Once again, we are led back to Intelligence as the living energy of creation. Intelligence is the ability to integrate our experience into our expression. Every cycle of nature is a homeostatic process of feedback and self correction.
Life is the product of a miraculous self organizing Intelligence. Each breath ends in a still-point that is one with the source in an ultimate dynamic of self-correction. This recursiveness is the very definition of consciousness.
Is Consciousness
An Ontological primitive?
In Aristotelian logic, an ontological primitive is "...the identification of a primary fact of reality, which cannot be analyzed, i.e., reduced to other facts or broken into component parts." It provides a foundation for analysis.
Is consciousness an ontological primitive?
There is a self-organizing intelligence whice is at the heart of every living thing. Every atom, molecule, cell and organic process is a feedback loop maintaining homeostasis, integrating its experience of its environment into its expression to maintain its integrity. This is the definition of Intelligence! Intelligence is at the heart of every living process... the ability to learn from experience. The ability to integrate experience into expression.
This recursive dynamic is the very definition of consciousness.
Yes, there is a self-organizing intelligence at the heart of every living process. Sages of the east, point out that, all of creation, is cyclical... beginningless, endless, unborn, undying, everywhere always, eternal, for ever and ever and ever. Thus, it is futile to search for its, beginning, its source. This Great Mystery of Consciousness is Self effulgent, dependent only on totality for its dynamic.
In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanishad (which is considered to be the most important of the ancient esoteric East-Indian teachings of the Upanishads), the sage Yajnavalkya explains:
“As a mass of salt is without inside, without outside, is altogether a mass of taste, even so, verily, is this Self without inside, without outside, altogether a mass of intelligence only.”
In the macrocosm of our lives, this all pervasive intelligence manifests as our cogniscence, our presence, our intelligence... not our thoughts or ideas, or even our ideals, but our awareness. The sages of the India, point out that this cogniscence, is your Self...a constant presence of awareness, from birth to death. This Self is the only thing about you that does not change throughout life. This intelligence is both the God within you and you!
Lucidity is the distinguishing charastic of Life. Life and consciousness are inexorably bound. To be alive is to be conscious, to be consxcious is to be alive.
Consciousness is both the medium and the process underlying all Life. As it is Self-Effulgent...uncaused by anything outside of its own dynamic... we can view it.... as a first cause... consciousness is an ontological primitive.
Osho reminds us that everything
we believe we know about God
is a "hallucination"...
Life itself is The Great Mystery....
Life is God! All Life is Sacred... All life is Divine.
As healers it is profoundly important to understand that our highest vibrational energy is our presence. Presence is the presence of the animating intelligence of life. Presence is our highest vibrational energy.
Presence is the ubiquitious presence of the Goddes/God within!
Our presence is a creative force pregnant with our consciousness and compassion.
Viewing the body as energy, we understand that this "energy" is Consciousness and the body an epiphenomenon of consciousness. For example the epiphenomenon of the body appear so be solid but is really something else.... elaborate fields of vibrant intelligence processes.
In our healing work we call this divine intelligence, Therapeutic Prescence... and work with it in myriad ways to restore the harmony and integrity of the body's relationship to its omnipresent source... the oceanic field of life breath that so generously shares its sacred miriacle of life with us and as us...
Accelerate Your Healing And Evolution:
You can dive deep into a deeper understanding of how to work with this Divine ocean of Life through my book: Esoteric Anatomy The Body As Consciousness and/or immersing yourself in one of my workshops...
Welcome home to your essential divinity... Bruce
Creation, is the self sacrifice of the Goddess.
She is totally present as the intelligence and will that guides and moves every atom of Life...
Therapeutic Presence: The Healing Power Of The Soul
The wisdom of ancient India reveals that the universe is a living, breathing, conscious being. The stuff of creation is consciousness…. every quark of creation is self organizing Intelligence. Energy fields, are self organizing, reacting to their environment, maintaining homeostasis. This recursiveness, the ability to self-correct from experience, is the definition of intelligence.
In the body, we experience this essence as lucidity. Lucidity, awareness, mindfulness, cognizance… consciousness is the distinguishing feature of life. To be alive is to be conscious, to be conscious is to be alive.
In our healing work, we call this intelligence “therapeutic presence”, the healing power of the Soul…. As bodyworkers we can entrain this power through our own stillness and presence. Before we touch our client we cultivate a deep stillness by establishing our own fulcrums.
In a living breathing field, the center is dynamic. A moving, breathing, dynamic center is called a fulcrum. When we align a fulcrum… its called potentiation. We facilitate coherence in a living field to enhance its receptivity to an inner higher potential of life giving, healing, Soul force.
Through intention, visualization, and breath… we ground to the Earth… rooting our hara with the Earth. We then breathe awareness into sushumna, life’s ultrasonic core. Next, we move to the heart of our field, and consciously remember our compassionate intention. We then tune deeper into self, by elevating our consciousnesses through an invocation to higher intelligence. Now we can gently, consciously, touch our client.
Life is a field of intelligence. Every atom of creation is self organizing. In the macrocosm of the body, we experience this essence as “Presence”. Presence is our highest vibrational, most powerful healing energy. Presence is an inter-dimensional portal.
In ancient India, this life giving, self organizing intelligence has traditionally been personified as Gods and Goddesses. The God Shiva… is often called Maha Deva… Great Spirit. The roots of Śhiva in folk etymology is "śī" which means "in whom all things lie, pervasiveness" and va which means "embodiment of grace”…The god Vishnu, personifies the Sanskrit root … viś to pervade. Goddess Saraswati, means essence of Self, the creative intelligence which rides on the swan of the breath.
The Upanishads are revered as the pinnacle of the ancient esoteric teachings of the India. In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanishad (which is considered to be one of the most important of the Upanishads), the sage Yajnavalkya explains: “As a mass of salt is without inside, without outside, is altogether a mass of taste, even so, verily, is this Self without inside, without outside, altogether a mass of intelligence only.”
As healers, counselors and bodyworkers its valuable to understand our own essence as intelligence, within a universal fabric of living intelligence. This realization, empowers our intention, and our ability to communicate with other dimensions of an all pervasive Intelligence, which we call Therapeutic Presence, the healing power of the Soul.
You are invited to join us in India this January to cultivate a deeper connection to your inherent divinity. To nourish lucidity, peace and well-being as your natural state. To recognize on a deep personal, cellular level, this profoundly healing, ecstatic Presence as your own Divine Self.
Intelligence is at the heart of every living process... the ability to learn from experience. The ability to integrate experience into expression. Every atom, molecule, cell and organic process is a feedback loop maintaining homeostasis, integrating its experience of its environment into its expression to maintain its integrity.
This recursive dynamic is the very definition of consciousness.
Yes, there is a self-organizing intelligence at the heart of every living process. Sages of the east, point out that, all of creation, is cyclical... beginningless, endless, unborn, undying, everywhere always, eternal, for ever and ever and ever. Thus, it is futile to search for its, beginning, its source. This Great Mystery of Consciousness is Self effulgent, dependent only on totality for its dynamic.
In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanishad (which is considered to be the most important of the ancient esoteric East-Indian teachings of the Upanishads), the sage Yajnavalkya explains:
“As a mass of salt is without inside, without outside, is altogether a mass of taste, even so, verily, is this Self without inside, without outside, altogether a mass of intelligence only.”
In the macrocosm of our lives, this all pervasive intelligence manifests as our cogniscence, our presence, our intelligence... not our thoughts or ideas, or even our ideals, but our awareness. The sages of the India, point out that this cogniscence, is your Self...a constant presence of awareness, from birth to death. This Self is the only thing about you that does not change throughout life. This intelligence is both the God within you and you!
This intelligence is both the medium and the process underlying all Life. As it is Self-Effulgent...uncaused by anything outside of its own dynamic... we can view it.... as a first cause... miraculous, divine. Life itself is Sacred. All Life is Sacred...All life is Divine. Life is God...
Viewing the body as energy, we understand that this "energy" is Consciousness and the body an epiphenomenon of consciousness. For example the epiphenomenon of the body appear so be solid but is really something else.... elaborate fields of vibrant intelligence processes.
In our healing work we call this intelligence, Therapeutic Prescence... and work with it in myriad ways to restore the harmony and integrity of the body's relationship to its omnipresent source... the oceanic field of life breath that so generously shares its sacred miriacle of life with us and as us...
Accelerate Your Healing And Evolution:
You can dive deep into a deeper understanding of how to work with this Divine ocean of Life through my book: Esoteric Anatomy The Body As Consciousness and/or immersing yourself in one of my workshops...
Welcome home to your essential divinity... Bruce
Life is a labyrinth (the spell correction suggested labradoodle). We wander through life searching for the ...sanctum sanctorum of Truth... pursued by the beast of history, culture... a cosmos of interminable ignorance...Life reveals her divinity in the naked omnipresent truth of Nature. A Goddess...her beauty, her divinity...Is.
The sanctuary of a wagging tail, or purring furry... the celebration that is a flower or the sound of a bubbling brook. The gift of witnessing a child’s unfolding...The liberating depth of a smile or laugh. What Truth is their higher than all this?
Life reveals her divinity in the naked omnipresent truth of Nature. A Goddess...her beauty, her divinity...Is.
Solstice Blessings...
Life Is...
I Am Life
Unborn, undying, everywhere, always, eternal, for ever and ever and ever...
My nature is creativity
I flower and fruit through everyone and everything...
I am free, a self organizing intelligence in every quark and atom.
Through infinite eyes, I am revealed in every moment...
Through infinite hearts, I am revealed in every moment...
My majesty and splendor is everything and everyone
Every breath is my breath
Every thought is my thought
We are one...
Clear Stress, Shock & Trauma
Safely, Immediately...
Through Energy Healing
Dr Randolph Stone, is considered by many, to be the father of Energy Medicine in the west. In a professional life that spanned more than 60 years as a naturopathic physician, Stone developed a profoundly effective system of energy balancing called Polarity Therapy.
Stone viewed the body as a field of energy. He took the ancient dynamics of yang and yin, rajas and tamas, Fire and Water, and translated them into the scientific language of positive, negative and neutral electro-magnetic fields... thus the name Polarity Therapy.
In chart #20 Dr. Stone illustrates the polarity of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems and illustrates hands-on principles for clearing stress, shock and trauma from the molecular energy fields to facilitate profound and immediate life changing healing! Application of these principles usually facilitates a release of the past and a turning point in the clients life.
Dr. Stone understood how in stress, shock and trauma, the mind obsessed on the perceived threats... sending a myriad of confused and contradictory mental and emotional impulses into the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). Over the months and years of obsession, the contradictory impulses block the energy fields of the body as emotional armoring.
A key to healing the heart and quieting the mind is to release emotional armoring from the cellular memory of the nervous system.
Dr Stone's Polarity Principles offer safe, simple, immediate, lasting, effective release of emotional armoring to clear blocked energy and to restore mental and emotional health, well-being and inner peace!
A Key to the Mystery of Life and Consciousness
In The Secret Teaching of All Ages, Manley Hall, describes E.D.Babbitt as a genius and puts an image of Babbitt's Atom in the center of the first page of his encyclopedia of esoteric, Rosicrucian and Kabbalistic knowledge. Hall, founder of the Philosophical Research Society, a leading American mystery school, underscores Babbitt's Atom as the key to the secret teachings of all ages.
Babbitt cultivated a breakthrough micro-clarvoyant vision unfolding the dynamics of the atomic world. In his brilliant book The Principles of Light and Color. He explained "the Harmonic Laws of the Universe, the Etherio-Atomic Philosophy of Force, Chromo Chemistry, Chromo Therapeutics and the General Philosophy of the Finer Forces..."
In the illustration below: Notice the alignment of atoms torrent to vortex... electro-magnetic... positive to negative.... Yang to Yin... Rajas to Tamas... inspiration to expiration in a living breathing universe.
The Colors parallel the universal Elemental Keynotes throughout creation: Ether, Air, Fire, Water and the Earth Element. Through SYMPATHETIC VIBRATION via the POLARITY DYNAMIC... Torrent to Vortex ... the elemental winds, flow through the molecular worlds.
In quantum fashion, the five pranas, or five winds, step down from Ether to Earth at the square of their distance from the nucleus.
Gayatri Devi
Personification of the creative intelligence within the life breath.
Her five heads symbolize the five pranas...
Five winds that flow through all creation of the elemental keynotes:
Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth
The three core principles of the Goddess Way of Life are
immanence, interconnection, and community.*
Immanence means that the Goddess, the Gods,
are embodied, that we are each a manifestation
of the living being of the earth, that nature, culture,
and life in all their diversity are sacred. Immanence
calls us to live our spirituality here in the world,
to take action to preserve the life of the earth,
to live with integrity and responsibility.
Interconnection is the understanding that all being is interrelated,
that we are linked with all of the cosmos
as parts of one living organism.
What affects one of us affects us all…
So interconnection demands from us compassion,
the ability to feel with others so strongly
that our passion for justice is itself aroused.
And the Goddess way is lived in community.
Its primary focus is not individual salvation
or enlightenment or enrichment
but the growth and transformation
that comes through intimate interactions
and common struggles.
Community includes not only people
but also the animals, plants, soil,
air and water and energy systems
that support our lives.
Community is personal-one's closest friends,
relatives, and lovers, those to whom we are accountable.
But in a time of global communications,
catastrophes, and potential violence,
community must also be seen
as reaching out to include all the earth.
Jean Houston reminds us that the most significant accomplishment of the 20th century...
is the empowerment of women!
Toppling The Dominant Paradigm...
Every Concept of God That We Entertain Is A Hallucination
We have been brainwashed for thousands of years to buy into monotheism...a world view based on a deist paradigm. Deism pictures god in a heaven... outside of creation.
The Abrahamic religions... are the religions of warlords. The biblical Jehovah of monotheism is a jealous and angry god. The bible demands pillage, rape and plunder as a religious duty. The Old Testament commands its followers conquer, murder and enslave pagans who believe.... That Nature, Life, the Earth herself, is Sacred. Who worship a goddess who is our Mother Earth..
Pagans, traditionally kiss the sacred earth, each morning in reverence. While most of us are confused by abstract concepts of the divine or anthropomorphic images which seek to personify divinity. Traditional people may have been immersed in a way of life in which they experienced all of life as sacred. Where nature herself was a Goddess. Where every relationship was an experience of the divine.
Monotheism is the world view of predatory patriarchal societies which conquered the peaceful earth-worshiping neolithic people of Old Europe. (See the work of Marija Gimbutas, who's Kurgan invasion hypotheses is now supported by cutting edge DNA research. Gimbutus argues that for tens of thousand years Earth worshipping people lived in peace in equalitarian villages in old Europe.)
It is the Diest paradigm, that allows predatory capitalism to rape and plunder our Mother Earth.
For thousands of years of inquisitions and witch burning, the obvious reality that all life is sacred has been banished from conventional wisdom. Scientific convention, the brain-child of the medieval church, is blinded by the same materialistic biblical paradigm. Individual who question convention are labeled and prosecuted as "eco-terrorists"
If we lived in a world where Mother Nature was recognized as a Goddess, where all Life was recognized as sacred...where the life of our Mother Earth was revered and cared for as our own life.... we would not be racing toward an ecological armageddon.
Pan is calling...
Revelation is a classic quality of the divine.
Naive phenomenology is an epistemology (criteria for knowing) which validates our individual subjective experience.
Revelation is a classic quality of the divine. Our Sacred Life reveals itself in the experience of peace that we experience in Nature, in the Garden, in Loving. Our Sacred Life reveals itself in the ecstasy of good health, freedom to dance and the joy of creativity and learning. Our Sacred life reveals itself in Seva... kindness, generosity, service and sharing.
WAKE UP! Pan is Calling You....
There is an inherent experience of the sacred in Life. In Health, in Service, In Growth... Drop the brainwashing my fellow zombies... every concept of God that you entertain is a hallucination ...
The Divine is revealing herself in every joyous breath, every sparkling smile, every revelatory moment! All Life is Sacred, Your Life is Sacred...
Everything you have been seeking you already are!
I Am That...An Affirmation of Universal Life
There is a Self-Organizing Intelligence which is at the heart of everything in Creation…
You can call this omnipresent Intelligence God… or The Great Mystery… I call her Life. She is an omnipresent Goddess.
Sages call this Ubiquitous Intelligence… The Self. While everything else is changing… this Consciousness… is an unchanging Presence. It is this Presence, Cognizance, Awareness, Lucidity of the Self that illuminates all experience.
Life and Consciousness are inextricably bound… to be alive is to be conscious… to be conscious is to be alive. It is exactly the same Life… exactly same Presence, exactly the same self organizing intelligence... the definitive quality of all living things... that is in every sentient being.
Affirmation of the Universal Life
I am that without boundaries, limitations or separation.
I am a universal life of indescribable energy and unlimited consciousness.
The stars and the planets are the cells of my body.
I am filled with indescribable energy and unlimited consciousness.
I am willing energy from that that I am . . .
Maha Vishnu . . . The Great Spirit
Narayana . . . The Soul of The Universe
Maha Saraswati . . . Goddess of wisdom. (Saraswati means essence of Self)
To manifest radiant health, perfect health, divine health.
To manifest deep inner peace, equanimity, serenity.
To manifest, Self realization, illumination, liberation.
May peace and justice prevail on Earth.
1. “Marija [Gimbutas]’s Kurgan hypothesis has been magnificently vindicated.”
Since Merlin Stone’s revolutionary study, When God Was A Women, we have come to understand that for thousands of years of prehistory the worship of Nature and the Great Mother Goddess prevailed in Europe. matrifocal, agrarian peace loving society invaded by a patrilineal militaristic
Current DNA evidence demands our prehistory be rewritten! Marija Gimbutas’s thesis that a Europe was a land of relative peaceful place…homes and villages we’re built without fortification or sited for beauty rather than defensiblity…. for thousands of years before an invasion from the steppes north of the Black Sea by invaders she called “Kurgans.”
Gimbutas spoke of these as “big man” graves, arguing that they marked the appearance of a new cultural group into Europe—one that was patriarchal, patrilineal, and warlike. Before their arrival, the people Gimbutas called “Old Europeans” buried their dead in communal graves, with grave offerings indicating no great difference in wealth or status and no domination of one sex over the other. Gimbutas argued that the “Kurgan” people introduced Indo-European languages into the lands they conquered, as well as new cultural systems based on domination of warriors and kings over the general populace and the domination of men over women. She stated that the Kurgan invasions of Europe began about 4400 BCE and lasted for several millennia.
Reading the old testament reminds us that monotheism is the religion of warlords. Jehovah is an angry and jealous god. Constantly calling for the total destruction of other gods.
Textually, the Old Testament becomes the first handbook of holy war, i.e., the first time such an ideology was written down, as the rules of the game—as the game itself—for a whole people. Both Christianity and Islam recognize the Old Testament as a sacred text. The historic fanaticism of both religions derives its holy war fervor and rationale from the words of the biblical prophets, presented as "the Word of God." These words incite and justify religious war as the will of God. Yahweh is called the jealous God. What was Yahweh jealous of? Of the Goddess, and her lover, of their sacred-sexual relation itself, and of its domination over the minds and hearts and bodies of generations of Neo-lithic people. This is why the God and religion of the Bible are identified so clearly from all other preceding gods and religions: The Bible God and his religion are based on a violently asexual, or ant-isexual morality never before seen on earth. Sex—the source of life and pleasure of love—becomes the enemy of God. 1
1. The Great Cosmic Mother: Monica, Sjoo & Barbara Mor, 1997, Harper & Row, SF, p.270
Voice Diagnosis is the easiest way to hear an elemental Imbalance...
People reflect their underlying predominant elemental/archetypal resonance.
Ether Spaced out, expanded, cosmic
Air Lives in ideas, thoughts, talks fast
Fire Action oriented. No patience for talk
Water Lives in Feelings
Earth Solid, practical, down to earth
Its easy to hear an elemental imbalance in the clients voice. The voice of a person with an Ether imbalance may be spacey, faint, not present. An Air imbalance is characterized by fast and or incessant talking. A Fire imbalance is angry, and Water imbalance whiny. An Earth imbalance is passive aggressive, turning their back, withdrawing or putting up walls.
Here is an amazing chart, where we identify the elemental imbalances which underlie psychological states. In the chart you see a spectrum of states of consciousness as Sattvic: balanced, Rajasic: overly expanded and Tamasic: overly contracted in combination with the elemental keynotes of consciousness.
To understand the chart, first read the Sattvic, Actualizing qualities. Then compare the overly expanded Rajasic and overly contracted Tamasic qualities.
Astrological glyphs are archetypal energy patterns
not symbols, arbitrary carriers of meaning.
Astrologically defined fields of resonance are a fundamental organizing principle of the body. The most fundamental features of the gross anatomy of the body offer a suggestive parallel to the astrological glyphs. These glyphs point to the fundamental types of arcs/archetypes, or harmonics of resonance, which manifest through the body.
The astrological “signs” can be better understood literally as archetypal energy patterns rather than as symbols, arbitrary carriers of meaning. We suggest that the twelve astrological glyphs actually depict twelve archetypal energy patterns—twelve moments (types of arcs or harmonic resonances), twelve processes in the creation cycle. Each of the twelve patterns sustains a body part/energy field with a unique predominant resonant frequency and archetypal/astrological attunement to the universe. Differences in the physical qualities of the body are reflections of the differences in the energy fields. In each of the successive phases we picture energy moving downward and outward into manifestation, becoming more and more physical in our bodies as microcosms of the process of creation in which energy crystallizes from Spirit into matter. Notice that each of the glyphs embodies a duality—two arcs in a dynamic, bilateral yet stable phase relationship of polarity. This points to the fundamental resonant organizing processes of the universal holomovement of rajas and tamas. This gestalt of wholeness of the astrological "glyphs" can be called the “archetypal harmonic integrity” of the body.
Body cavities are thus identified as having unique predominant resonant frequencies, each of them in tune with universal, archetypal forces. For example there is a fundamental difference between the watery energy field of Cancer ♋︎, the breast, and the Fiery energy field of Leo ♌︎, the solar plexus. Each is a unique resonant environment. These astrologically defined fields of resonance are a fundamental organizing principle of the body. We now picture the twelve phases of "the four rivers of life" in their three polarities of emanation that sustain materialization.
Learn More >>>
Your Vulnerability is Divine
Goddess becomes creation…the world is the Self-Sacrifice of the Goddess… The Sanskrit term for The Creator is Brahma. Brahma is an ever expanding breath of Life. Breath the vehicle for an ever evolving Life. The One Breath, the One Life is in each moment unfolding her creative potency through creation. All breath is her breath, all life is her Life.
In each moment she unfolds her creative potency through all that breathes. All breath is her breath. You and I are her face…you and I are the cutting edge of the unfolding of the creative potential of life. You and I are the personification of this universal creative process.
You personify an instant of the Universe. Your first breath imprints, your place in the Cosmos.
If you are born with the sun rising when the Earth is facing the constellation Taurus. Your rising sign and the surface of your personality reflect the Tauren qualities. You are a Toyota of humanity, reliable, practical, never breaking down (incidentally Toyota’s logo is the glyph for Taurus). Born 4 hours later, you personify the sensitive and high maintenance qualities of Cancer.
Each of is the face of God, the personification of her Being. We are the product of ultimate intelligence, ultimate wisdom and ultimate love manifesting in her omnipresence.
Your sentience, your vulnerability, your tenderness, your capacity to feel is Goddess given. Your dharma is to be you, the unique and deeply feeling face of the Goddess…Maturity is a process of cultivating the resources to be safe to be authentic and fully present in your life’s journey.
We live in a time that seeks to invalidate and desensitize us and to deny our sacred sentience.
Your Dharma is to be fully present in your feelings, safe to be fully present in your body, safe to express this in your life!
Guided by higher intelligence, in a sacred space, we safely and gently, clear life’s deepest issues. We invite you to reclaim your body, your feelings and your authenticity…
In the Spiral Dance, the sage Starhawk reminds us...
"The three core principles of Goddess religion are immanence, interconnection, and community.
Immanence means that the Goddess, the Gods, are embodied, that we are each a manifestation of the living being of the earth, that nature, culture, and life in all their diversity are sacred. Immanence calls us to live our spirituality here in the world, to take action to preserve the life of the earth, to live with integrity and responsibility.
Interconnection is the understanding that all being is interrelated, that we are linked with all of the cosmos as parts of one living organism. What affects one of us affects us all... So interconnection demands from us compassion, the ability to feel with others so strongly that our passion for justice is itself aroused.
And Goddess religion is lived in community. Its primary focus is not individual salvation or enlightenment or enrichment but the growth and transformation that comes through intimate interactions and common struggles.
Community includes not only people but also the animals, plants, soil, air and water and energy systems that support our lives. Community is personal-one's closest friends, relatives, and lovers, those to whom we are accountable.
But in a time of global communications, catastrophes, and potential violence, community must also be seen as reaching out to include all the earth."
In The World's Oldest Spirituality
God does not create the world...
Goddess Becomes The World
All Life is Sacred
South India Dravidian Spirituality is said to be older than time, older than this creation. Lord Shiva one of the principle contemporary icons of these traditions is often portrayed as androgynous... transcending the duality of female and male.
Shiva (Siva in Sanskrit) is an aspect of the Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Shiva is the personification of the aspect of the Great Mystery understood as tamas guna which rules the crystallization of consciousness as matter.
The Sanskrit word Shiva is often translated as “auspicious”, and may refer to the scintillating divine qualities of our life on earth. The brilliance of the light of seeing, tasting, touching... of consciousness experiencing embodiment. The agony and ecstasy of each moment, as our amazing lives unfold.
In one of the root legends of ancient India...The Gods Vishnu and Brahma were rocking the universe, quarreling as to who was the superior Deity. To restore equilibrium, Shivaappeared as a flaming lingam, and challenged them to find his source. Brahma took the form of a swan, and flew to the sky, ascending toward the heavens to find the top of the flame, while Vishnu became the boar Varaha, and sought its base in the depths of the earth. Neither Brahma nor Vishnu could find the source and humbled by the infinity of this flame... they bowed to Shiva.
Perhaps... Shiva represents the flame of Life, without beginning or end… everywhere, always, eternal, forever and ever and ever... Read more.>>
The World Is Music: Key to the Mystery of Creation
The Vedas are the ancient esoteric teachings of India. They form the foundation of orthodox Hindu philosophy and are at the root of all oriental philosophy.
The vedic epiphany reveals that the world is the self-sacrifice of the creator… God becomes the world… An omnipresent intelligence expresses its creative potency through creation.
In the Vedic revelation, God does not create the world…Goddess becomes the world.*
Western religion and science offer a deist paradigm. In deist philosophies, God lies outside creation. The Vedic worldview is profoundly different; here the world is the self-sacrifice of the creator. The world is God. All creation is sacred. To know thy Self, is to know God.
Brahma, the creator, can be characterized as an ever expanding breath. In this cosmology, everything that moves in creation is the breath of Brahma. The spiraling galaxies of stars, whirling planetary systems, atmospheric rhythms of our Gaia’s life cycles, and the all pervasive breath that animates all life on Earth is a unitary rhythm.
In this ancient paradigm, the universe is a living, breathing, conscious Being. In exactly the same way that the breath of life animates our body the universe is sustained by the breath of Brahma.
How does the breath of life animate our body? How do the rhythms of inspiration and expiration sustain life? What is the mechanism through which respiration enlivens the body? Our Hypothesis is biological resonance.
Prana is the life breath of a living universe. (From sanskrit roots pra-forth and the verb-root an-to breathe)
The body… as all of nature and the cosmos… is a musical instrument played by the breath of life…
The World Is Music:
The vedas reveal that the world is sung into being. The ancient Sanskrit grammarian, Bhartrhari, states in his Vakyapadiya 1.112 “Vageva Vishwa Bhuvanani Jajne” The Universe is Birthed by Sound!
An unfathomable intelligence conceives of a goddess… who sings the world into creation. The ground state out of which creation emerges is the pranava (from pra-nu, to reverberate) of the primordial Holy Word… AUM. Creation is vibrating as an expression of ultimate intelligence, ultimate wisdom, ultimate love… in a universal harmony of praise.
The Goddess Saraswati is the personification of this mystery, the embodiment of an all pervasive divine creative intelligence. Her vehicle is the swan…the highest flying bird, which symbolizes the breath of life, the supreme principle in a living creation. The Great Mystery of life and consciousness, is carried on the breath.
Saraswati’s celestial instrument is the vina, which symbolizes creation. Thus we have Ultimate Intelligence, carried on the breath of life, playing the music of creation.
For millennium musical instruments were often fashioned from the guts and hides of animals. For these guts and hides, resonated most profoundly with the mystery of music and the winds that carried these sounds to the heart and mind.
There is no musical instrument more perfect than the human body. Indeed the human body… like all of nature… is a musical instrument. The ancients understood this. The ancient sciences of Yang and Yin, Pitta and Kapha, Sulfer and Salt were based on this vibrational knowledge of the primacy of inspiration and expiration, of the breath of life.
The latin word for breath is spiritus. It comes from the same roots as our word spiral… It is Spiritus that plays the instrument of nature. As we breathe, the tissue of our bodies are stretched by the act of breathing in a cycle of atunement to nature and the cosmos. On cellular and molecular levels the tissues stretches to modulate it’s musical pitch. As we breathe in, there is a lengthening of the tissue to the keynote of resonance that, cross culturally and trans-historically, the ancients called the Air element. Thus through atunement to the keynote Air, life force stepped down from the subtle universal elements into the gross material elements of form. Then in quantum fashion the inhalation ballooned the tissue into the radiant keynote and it entrained with the creative potency of the solar Fire element. Next in the cycle of breath is a still-point, where inner and outer forces came into balance at the Earth elemental resonance. Then as the diaphragm descends… the tissue contracts into resonance with the lunar keynote of the Water element. Nature is a fabric of ultrasonic resonance, attuned to the keynotes of: Earth, solidity; Water, the fluid medium for life force; Fire, the functioning of creative intelligence; Air the feedback process which is the essence of intelligence; and Ether which modulates sacred space between the subtle universal elements of the cosmos and the material elements of nature.
The Sanskrit word guna is derived from an Indo-European base gere…”twirl” or “wind”… The gunas describe spiraling vortices of vibrating energy fields. Breathing is a process of cosmic and natural atunnment that sustains life. As we breathe, the lengthening of the tissue, on a molecular level, entrains with the Source or Life Field of Sattva Guna and facilitates a step down of energy from the subtle universal to the gross material elements. Inspiration, modalities the molecular fields into entrainment with the creative potency of the solar resonance of the Fire element as the field leaps in quantum fashion to Rajas Guna. As the diaphragm descends, the field on every level of microcosm entrains with Tamas guna and the centripetal qualities of the Water element. Life is sustained by the breath, through a process of cosmic and natural atunenment. Cross culturally and trans historically the sciences of the ancients was rooted in this understanding of nature and the cosmos as a living breathing conscious being.
All of nature is vibrating in a life giving state of praise attuned to the voice of the Goddess Saraswati singing the holy word… singing the music of creation. Saraswati means essence of Self. This understanding is a key to understanding the great mystery of life force energy. In Energy Medicine, we work with the body and nature through this ancient epiphany of the world as music. Our approach to energy healing is defined by a constant intention to address the Soul…the animating intelligence in the body… holistically, through hands-on bodywork, healing diet, vitalizing movement and liberating insight into the unity and sacredness of all life.
A Key to Healing the Heart and Quieting the Mind is to
Release Emotional Armoring from the Cellular Memory of the Nervous System.
The 10th Cranial or Vagus Nerve was classical called the Pneumogastric nerve as it controlled the lungs, heart and all the organs of digestion... moving the body from a body building Parasympathetic state of rest and relaxation to Sympathetic activation of fight or flight in an instant.
Dr Randolph Stone, founder of Polarity Therapy developed a spiritual model of the body as energy. He viewed the Soul as the nucleus of the energy fields of the body. Stone understood energy in nature to be cyclical. A movement from a neutral source, into a expansive positive field and then contracting in a negative phase back to the source.
Dr Stone took the ancient dynamics of yang and yin, rajas and tamas, Fire and Water, and translated them into the scientific language of positive, negative and neutral electro-magnetic fields... thus the name Polarity Therapy.
Dr Stone is regarded by many as the father of western Energy Medicine. In his Evolutionary Energy Charts, published in 1959, Dr Stone views the nervous system in terms of the classical dynamics of Fire, Water and Air.
In chart #20 Dr. Stone illustrates the polarity of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems and illustrates hands-on principles for clearing stress, shock and trauma from the molecular energy fields to facilitate profound and immediate life changing healing!
Dr. Stone understood how in stress, shock and trauma, the mind obsessed on the perceived threats... sending a myriad of confused and contradictory mental and emotional impulses into the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). Over the months and years of obsession, the contradictory impulses block the energy fields of the body as emotional armoring.
A key to healing the heart and quieting the mind is to release emotional armoring from the cellular memory of the nervous system.
Dr Stone's Polarity Principles offer safe, simple, immediate, lasting, effective release of emotional armoring to clear blocked energy and to restore mental and emotional health, well-being and inner peace!
You can heal your life... and learn effective energy balancing skills to help others in our: Energy as Medicine: Transformational Therapy Training in:
Tiruvannamalai, India January 8-25, 2019.
Benbow, Ca, 6 Thursdays beginning April 19th
South Lake Tahoe, Ca...4 days, early May 2018
Find out more here... http://www.weare1.us/Schedule.html
I Am That ! An Affirmation of Universal Life
There is a Self-Organizing Intelligence which is at the heart of everything in Nature… You can call it God… Life… Or The Great Mystery…
Sages call this Ubiquitous Intelligence… The Self. While everything else is changing… this Consciousness… is an unchanging Presence. It is this Presence, Cognizance, Awareness, Lucidity of the Self that illuminates all experience.
Life and Consciousness are inextricably bound… to be alive is to be conscious… to be conscious is to be alive. It is exactly the same Life… exactly same Presence, exactly the same Self that is in every sentient being.
All Life is Divine… All Life is Sacred
Orion Nebuli (NASA)
Affirmation of the Universal Life
I am that without boundaries, limitations or separation.
I am a universal life of indescribable energy and unlimited consciousness.
The stars and the planets are the cells of my body.
I am filled with indescribable energy and unlimited consciousnes.
I am willing energy from that that I am . . .
Maha Vishnu . . . The Great Spirit
Narayana . . . The Soul of The Universe
Maha Saraswati . . . Goddess of wisdom. (Saraswati means essence of Self)
To manifest radiant health, perfect health, divine health.
To manifest deep inner peace, equanimity, serenity.
To manifest, Self realization, illumination, liberation.
May peace and justice prevail on Earth.You are welcome to subscribe to our inspiring and illuminating newsletters…
Learn More>>> www.weare1.us
Healing The Abyss: the total, final, complete, permanent annihilation of suffering!
Shame, guilt, fear, self loathing…. often shadow our experience of life.
Most of us try to understand this pain in terms of biographical or psychological damage. Indian philosophy reveals that this pain is vibrational… rooted in a lifestyle, where we fall out of harmony with Life.
Samkhya is an Indian philosophy, that dates from 1500BCE and is the philosophical basis of yoga. Samkhya, views creation as a dance between Consciousness (Purusa) and matter (prakrti).
A passionate application of the principles of Samkhya promises the total, final, complete, permanent annihilation of suffering!
Life is breath, all life forms and life process are sustained, created and rooted in breath. Indian philosophy understands the Universe as a living breathing conscious being, in which everything that moves, is moving as a part of a universal life breath.
Creation steps down from universal consciousness into material forms in three stages. These stages are called “gunas”. While guna is usually translated as “quality”, the word guna comes from the Indo-European linguistic root gere to “twirl” or “wind” pointing to a dynamic image of energy fields which underlie the quality of our experience.
Micro-clairvoyant image of a guna
Infinitely recursive self organizing life field
We can best understand the gunas, by picturing them as stages in the process of breathing. The first stage is sattva guna, a still-point which is the source of the cycle of the breath. Sattva guna is an inner attunement of the field and is an inter-dimensional portal. Sattva guna, describes a field that is vibrating in entrainment with its source in Being. Sattva is the force of equilibrium in nature, and is a state of Soul communion which is experienced as a profound inner peace.
As we inhale, living fields expand into entrainment with the solar force of Rajas guna. We are inspired, by the Fire of rajas guna, to manifestation. Rajas guna describes the qualities of Fire, the passion of creation, joy, excitement, power as Life unfolds its creativity.
The third stage is tamas guna, tamas means to perish, and tamas guna is exhalation, the stage where consciousness crystallizes into the lunar dimensions of vibration which we experience as matter.
In Samkhya our pain is rooted in our falling out of entrainment (yoga) with Being. A condition of ontological terror... an experience of disconnection from our inherent divinity and our source Life.
Our Energy As Medicine training is unique in the healing arts for our constant intention to address the Soul (the animating intelligence of Life). We address the Soul, holistically through energy balancing body work, that releases trauma and stress from the cellular memory of the body to promote yoga, union with your divine Self.
We share energy exercises, that promote joint mobilization and joyous attunement with the higher vibrational forces of the Life fields of a living Earth.
We share the blessings of the daily practice of Mantra Yoga, understanding that creation is sung into manifestation and our natural state is praise!
We facilitate Karma Yoga, “work as worship”, through the “gift of giving” sharing the privilege of compassionate service through the natural healing arts.
We promote Soul Communion through Bhakti Yoga, ecstatic recognition of your inherent divinity.
We promote a sattvic vegetarian diet as a foundation of healing, health and inner peace.
Kipila, the rishi credited with formulating Samkhya, promises that your passionate investment in this way of life to promote yoga… a molecular transformation of constant communion with your inherent Divine Self… offers the total, final, complete, permanent annihilation of your suffering!
Creation, is the self sacrifice of the Goddess. She is totally present as the intelligence and will that guides and moves every atom of Life...
Therapeutic Presence: The Healing Power Of The Soul
The wisdom of ancient India reveals that the universe is a living, breathing, conscious being. The stuff of creation is consciousness…. every quark of creation is self organizing Intelligence. Energy fields, are self organizing, reacting to their environment, maintaining homeostasis. This recursiveness, the ability to self-correct from experience, is the definition of intelligence.
In the body, we experience this essence as lucidity. Lucidity, awareness, mindfulness, cognizance… consciousness is the distinguishing feature of life. To be alive is to be conscious, to be conscious is to be alive.
In our healing work, we call this intelligence “therapeutic presence”, the healing power of the Soul…. As bodyworkers we can entrain this power through our own stillness and presence. Before we touch our client we cultivate a deep stillness by establishing our own fulcrums.
In a living breathing field, the center is dynamic. A moving, breathing, dynamic center is called a fulcrum. When we align a fulcrum… its called potentiation. We facilitate coherence in a living field to enhance its receptivity to an inner higher potential of life giving, healing, Soul force.
Through intention, visualization, and breath… we ground to the Earth… rooting our hara with the Earth. We then breathe awareness into sushumna, life’s ultrasonic core. Next, we move to the heart of our field, and consciously remember our compassionate intention. We then tune deeper into self, by elevating our consciousnesses through an invocation to higher intelligence. Now we can gently, consciously, touch our client.
Life is a field of intelligence. Every atom of creation is self organizing. In the macrocosm of the body, we experience this essence as “Presence”. Presence is our highest vibrational, most powerful healing energy. Presence is an inter-dimensional portal.
In ancient India, this life giving, self organizing intelligence has traditionally been personified as Gods and Goddesses. The God Shiva… is often called Maha Deva… Great Spirit. The roots of Śhiva in folk etymology is "śī" which means "in whom all things lie, pervasiveness" and va which means "embodiment of grace”…The god Vishnu, personifies the Sanskrit root … viś to pervade. Goddess Saraswati, means essence of Self, the creative intelligence which rides on the swan of the breath.
The Upanishads are revered as the pinnacle of the ancient esoteric teachings of the India. In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanishad (which is considered to be one of the most important of the Upanishads), the sage Yajnavalkya explains: “As a mass of salt is without inside, without outside, is altogether a mass of taste, even so, verily, is this Self without inside, without outside, altogether a mass of intelligence only.”
As healers, counselors and bodyworkers its valuable to understand our own essence as intelligence, within a universal fabric of living intelligence. This realization, empowers our intention, and our ability to communicate with other dimensions of an all pervasive Intelligence, which we call Therapeutic Presence, the healing power of the Soul.
You are invited to join us in India this January to cultivate a deeper connection to your inherent divinity. To nourish lucidity, peace and well-being as your natural state. To recognize on a deep personal, cellular level, this profoundly healing, ecstatic Presence as your own Divine Self.
Truth Can Only Be Lived…..
As Living Beings We have a Duty to Affirm
The Divinity Of All Life And
To Honor The Sacred In All Creation…Gandhi’s life exemplifies a way of life where “God” is not an abstract philosophical concept…but a way of life.
For Gandhi, Truth was God… But Truth was not a concept… but a way of life.
Mahatma Gandhi’s life exemplifies the power and possibilities of practicing Dharma (living truthfully). Experiencing the injustice of racial prejudice, Gandhi saw that moral and political injustice were based on ignorance of the sacredness and unity of life. He became convinced that it is not enough for the individual merely to do good, but that we had a duty to actively face evil. A duty to practice the truth… that all life is sacred. Living demands a duty to affirm the dignity of life and honor the sacred in all creation.
Gandhi hurled himself into the battlefield of life. He taught satyagraha, “clinging to Truth.” Truth was Ghandi’s method and Truth his goal. For Gandhi, Truth was not a concept, but was a way of life.
For the Mahatma (one in touch with the Oneness of Being), the means were as important as the end. His every action was based on the knowledge of the unity and divinity of all life. In a state of realization of the unity of all life, Gandhi cared for each being as his own God-Self.
Gandhi taught by example. He dealt with all beings in a spirit of humility with the deepest respect for their Divinity. He insisted on seeing the Divine in his most ignorant adversaries. The Truth behind his action was a profound experience for everyone whose life was touched by this Knowledge.
He described his life as “my experiments with truth.” As he matured in this experiment, he came to the realization that Truth is God. In the practice of his life he experienced that as he cared for the life around him in a “truthful,” unselfish way, he experienced the sacred in every gesture.
As he cared for people and nature in a nonviolent (Ahimsa), unexploitative way that honored the divinity of all life, he experienced a life where every relationship was service to God. Through practicing Dharma, his every action was an experience of the sacred.
Namaskar . . . Honor to the Divine within
I had an interesting experience this morning while stretching. I became conscious of my ego playing an old tape. I finally recognized this unconscious process as the edge of a trauma vortex… I opened to being fully present for my bodily experience, directing my awareness away from my mind and into the sensations that were available in my body with a willingness to be fully present, and the knowledge that I was now safe.
A moment of ecstasy, as deeply held bodily sensations were felt, and dimensions of pain that I had hidden from over a lifetime surfaced, in a flash of recognition and clearing…
My whole life has been driven by the pain of my experience of Mrs Blocks first grade class in Washington school. I had transferred to public school from a parochial school and not been taught to read. Each school day added to my humiliation, shame and trauma as I was called upon to stand and read and failed test after test, graded and degraded by the “educational” system.
I have spent virtually my whole life in school, not dropping of the system out until I was a PhD. candidate and university instructor and then founding Heartwood Institute… a utopian educational environment where it was truly safe to heal, learn and grow.
I spent time a few days ago with a sage, who was one of the founders of the home birth movement in the 1960s. A movement to take birthing back from men and their medical industry into the feminine sanctuary of the home. I was struck to hear that her mother had been raped, and had hated her, her whole life, from the moment of conception. I realized that her life was also driven by this deep cellular intelligence that was unconsciously recapitulating her childhood trauma…seeking to heal it’s own trauma through participating in innumerable home births.
I believe that you and I and the Trumps of the world, captains of industry, and men and women of power and the powerless masses as well… everyone... is driven by the profound pain of unconscious forces, that are run by insatiable insecurities of our vulnerable egos, unconsciously struggling to heal our childhood trauma.
The gift of my life’s healing journey, is to share safe, simple, easy to learn techniques, to clear unconscious forces that run our lives. You are welcome to join us in our annual pilgrimage to India. This pilgrimage across the face of the earth, is metaphor for your intention for an inner journey to your own innate healing Divinity.
Bruce's Blog:
Contemplating the Divinity and Unity of All Life
Nature Is My Bible
We were blessed to have Henry Tyler an Arapaho elder in our lives for many years. Henry once said that “Nature is our Bible.”
I always found nature to be a profound sanctuary, place of solace and healer. In the most troubled and desperate decades of my life, I was guided to walk in nature on a daily basis. Nature never failed me, I always found comfort and solace within her.
I have come to understand that I am a cell in the body of Mother Gaia. Her life is my life. Her breath is my breath. When I leave the metal and wooden boxes of car and home… and walk upon the earth, my every breath of inspiration resonates with the infinite heavens and expiration as a living crystal within Mother Earth’s fields.
Ovum and sperm, microscopic music, joining in the chorus of life, to be woven into the symphony of Nature. Our bodies are a fabric of resonance, fields within fields, woven out of lunar and solar cycles…woven by the music of the spheres, sustained by the keynotes of Life. Spiritus the breath of life, in each cycle entraining the fields of the body with Life’s ultrasonic music.
It is difficult for us to comprehend the purity of the Elements, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Challenging to understand the reality of the depth of their divine intelligence, in their ability to resonate with the infinite cosmos.
Each of us is the personification of an instant of the Infinite. Your first breath imprints your unique resonance. If the earth faced the constellation Taurus at that moment of your birth, you have a Taurus rising astrologically,and you are practical and, reliable. If the moon was aligned with the zodiac’s Cancer, vulnerability rules your life. The sage Rumi reminds us. "You are not just a drop in the ocean but the mighty ocean in the drop..."
Nature is my cathedral… my sanctuary… my home... my body.
Don’t Freak Out…
Its Just The Dominant Paradigm Crumbling…Yes its scary… But, get your shit together… to welcome a world with single-payer health care, guaranteed minimal income, and brilliant technocrats facilitating a ecologically sustainable future.
The key to these changes lies in the most important transformation of the 20th century, the empowerment of women. The feminine is characterized by discriminating wisdom. Femininity resonates with the second half of the universal breath. Embodied in the fall signs of the zodiac the love and balance of Libra, science and service of Virgo, the sincerity and integrity of Sagittarius.
The champion we have been waiting for, to save the world…is femininity. Its time for men, women and gender benders with feminine sensibilities to get it together! Freaking out and despondency over the state of the world isn’t helping. Clean up your act and empower your vision for your life, for our future. The world needs the discriminating wisdom which characterizes femininity!
Navaratri the ancient celebration of the goddess begins tonight at sunset. Each night for nine nights we honor a different quality of the divine feminine. The final night honors, Goddess Saraswati, which means “essence of self”.
Saraswati is SELF ORGANIZING INTELLIGENCE , the definitive quality of life, of nature. To know Goddess Saraswati is to simply reflect upon the ubiquity of this INTELLIGENCE.
The biblical religions offer a deist paradigm, where god lies outside of creation... in the Sanatana Dharma the wisdom of India. Goddess becomes the world... Creation is the Self Sacrifice of the Goddess. All Life is sacred, all Life is divine.
The Bible offers us an image of a crusty patriarch, perched on a cloud, who is either totally powerless or deeply perverse... if He is responsible for all this....
India offers us an image of a divine mother who has given her powers totally to her beloved child creation... the world is a reflection of our own greed and perversity.
Once we realize divinity is our quintessence, we are empowered to take personal responsibility for transforming the world.
On Navaratri we dress up our daughters as goddesses, and bow at their feet, with offerings of flowers and sweets, to remind our selves of the faith and hope we all have in our children and in the future of Life.
Goddess Saraswati (essence of Self) playing the music of creation We embody the dynamics of creation Our body is a musical instrument, that is played by the breath of life. The cycle of respiration, carrying the body, through the elemental phases of natural & cosmic attunement. As we breathe the pitch of the tissue, is modulated by the breath. Breath cycles the energy fields of the body, on a molecular level, through three phases of cosmic attunement. In the first phase, the fields of the body are animated through an inner attunement to Being, the Soul of creation. This entrainment with the animating intelligence of the Soul is called Sattva (Being) guna (vortex). As the breath expands the tissue, the field leaps in quantum fashion into an attunement with the Solar force, Rajas Guna of inspiration and then the pitch of Tamas guna, where life crystallizes into earthly forms. Our bodies are musical instruments played by the breath of life. The cycles of respiration stretche the tissue of the body changing its pitch. From macrocosm of the organism to microcosm of the molecules every field of the body, is played by the cycle of respiration. The East Indian paradigm is built on three keynotes of natural and cosmic attunement. Sattva means Being, and is an entrainment with the Source. Sattva is the force of equilibrium in Nature. Micro-clairvoint image of Sattva Guna Sattva the neutral phase, is associated with the parasympathetic nervous system, rest, rebuilding and deep relaxation. Rajas, inspiration, stretches the body cavities and tissue, molecular fields, modulating the pitch to an entrainment with the Sun, the creative energy of Fire, passion, purpose and power. Rajas means to glow with the excitement of life's joy flowing through us. Rajas is expressed through the sympathetic nervous system. In expiration the diaphragm descends into a lunar attunement, with the Earth facilitating the crystallization of consciousness into form as tamas guna. Tamas guna rules the bodily process that sustain embodied life, boundaries and form. We live in a tune-a-verse… the word universe means turning as one. In Sanskrit the term for the creator is Brahma, which means an ever expanding, ever evolving breath of creation. The Shakti, the power in nature of Brahma, is termed Saraswati, which means “essence of self”. Saraswati is the creative intelligence within the breath, that sustains life and consciousness in each rhythm of respiration. You are the vina, Saraswati is playing. Please check out my book: Esoteric Anatomy: The Body As Consciousness, if you would like to deepen your understanding of this root paradigm of eastern cosmology. The body is a musical instrument that is played by the breath of life. As we release tension and armoring in the body, we come into attunement with the more subtle forces of nature and the cosmos in a natural process of Soul Communion. Our approach to Energy Healing involves peeling off the layers of stress, tension and armoring through energizing body work, vitalizing the body through energy exercises, and chanting to commune with the sacred Breath of Life. Each step in our Energy As Medicine training, deepens the quieting of the mind and healing of the heart. We heal as we attune to the Great-Fullness of Life and our own inner Well-Of-Being. There is an immediate and profound healing as one, comes home to ones Self... to Life. As we balance energy in the body, we commune with the light of the Soul in a healing process that is direct and immediate. www.weare1.us |
9/10/17 Is it possible that the universe is a living, breathing, conscious being? The wisdom of ancient India reveals that the universe is a living, breathing, conscious being. The ubiquity of the golden ratio spiral in nature is the mathematical expression of the life breath of a living universe. The golden ratio is found everywhere in nature from the spiraling of our DNA to the turning of galaxies. Our planet is almost 80% water. The underlying organization of the ocean's waves is the golden spiral, these waves are driven by the spiraling solar winds...the breath of the cosmos. The average distance of the planets from the sun in our solar system is an expression of the same mathematical formula. In the illustration below you see the same proportional harmonics of the universal life breath in a chamber nautilus and the average distance of the planets from the sun. Illustrating that both are expressions of the same underlying dynamic. In astronomy this is called Bodes law. This is the divider The Greek word atmosphere, points to the spheres of breath of a living Gaia. Our bodies are formed and sustained by the ultrasonic harmonics of this life breath. The sage Rumi, reveals: "You are not just a drop in the ocean but the mighty ocean in the drop..."
What is this mighty ocean?..... Life and Consciousness! Life and consciousness are inextricably united. To be alive is to be conscious. To be conscious is to be alive. All the powers, forces, qualities and potential of the universal ocean of life are in you as you... All the powers, forces, qualities and potential of the universal ocean of Consciousness are in you as you... In healing we call this fundamental power of Life "Therapeutic Presence". Life is self organizing, an intelligence in every molecule maintaining its homeostasis. In the macrocosm of you, this same universal intelligence is experienced as lucidity, cognizance, presence. This presence is your Divine Self! This intelligence is universal! In hands-on healing our presence is our most powerful resource. We evoke the power of this quintessence through stillness and entrain it with our own focus. |
Bruce's Blog:
Contemplating the Divinity and Unity of All Life
It's Very Challenging To Go Through Life
Clueless Of Your Divine Self...
Intelligence is the ability to learn, to integrate our experience, into our expression. Indeed this describes the cybernetic nature of the dynamic of an atom, molecule or cell which in each moment is self correcting based on input from its environment. In the same way our physiological processes are self-correcting as well, constantly seeking homeostasis. This recursiveness is the essence of intelligence.
In the ancient wisdom of India, the stuff of creation is Intelligence. In the ancient wisdom all creation is a living, breathing, universal process of intelligence. Every atom, free and capable of self-correction…every molecule and cell defined by this universal dynamic.
This intelligence is the essence of life. All life forms dance with their environment in a feedback loop of experience and expression. In the ancient wisdom of India, this Intelligence is deified as Vishnu, which means to pervade. Vishnu’s Shakti or expression in Nature is called Saraswati, which means “essence of Self”. Saraswati’s vehicle is hansa the swan symbolizing the breath. Saraswati is pictured playing a vina, which symbolizes our bodies played by Life’s intelligence carried on the breath.
Only one thing in all creation is real in this paradigm, unchanging, uncaused…and that is, this all pervasive intelligence. Everything else is both constantly changing and the effect of this root cause of intelligence.
This intelligence is your Self. It manifests in your life as awareness, presence, cognizance. Your body can be immersed in eating a cookie or making love, but your mind is elsewhere…not present. It is this presence that defines our experience. The eyes, ears, touch, smell, taste only function when the Self is focused on the experience.
This Self is the exact same intelligence that defines a cell’s process or our physiology. This Self is the Universal presence of a mysterious, unfathomable, all-pervasive intelligence which permeates all life processes. In my understanding God is Life. All of creation is an expression of this Great Mystery. All Life is sacred.
The quality of your Self…The Divinity in you is lucidity. Every aspect of our lifestyle either supports your becoming more present, more lucid, more Divine…or is toxic…robbing you of your Divinity.
It is terrifying to go through life clueless of our Divine Self.
Every aspect of our work supports your immediate recognition of your Self and cultivation of this divine union. In healing we call this power “therapeutic presence”...the healing power of the Soul. Therapeutic presence is at the heart of the liberating techniques which define our approach to cleansing the body of stress, shock, trauma and emotional armoring. All our work promotes your attunement and union with your Self, to foster clarity, resilience, peace and well-Being.
Rescue Your Inner Child!
Clear Unconscious Forces That Run Your Life!
Somatic Emotional Clearing: Counseling For Bodyworkers
January 20-24,2019
Tiruvannamalai, India
The End of Suffering: Where there is light... darkness vanishes...Shame, guilt, isolation, fear, paranoia, and obsession are some of the symptoms of our suffering. You are not alone in the feelings that you are somehow not good enough: not smart enough, not rich enough, not thin enough, not attractive... not lovable. 2000 years ago, the east Indian sage Isvarakrsna in the Samkhya-karika... revealed a path to... the total, final, complete, annihilation of suffering.For Isvarakrisna, you were not to blame for your suffering. Suffering was rooted in ignorance...not ignorance of book learning, but a more pervasive ignorance, that was imbedded in ones life. Indeed the cause of our suffering was our alienation from life and the lifestyle that produced this alienation.I call this condition ontological terror... the feeling that something is terribly wrong... and my assumption of guilt and shame... that it is somehow my fault.Ontology means Being. Our suffering is caused by separation from our own Being. It is terrifying to go through life alienated from your own Divine Self. Our self hatred is rooted in our feelings of vulnerability, identified as we are with the fictions of our mind and illusions of the story of our suffering. Searching for solace, we live in our obsessive mind, rather than in the reality of the Divine Present.What is wrong... is the pain we feel because we have been wrenched out of the rhythms of life by our civilized ways. Traditional people danced with life in every heartbeat, they rose with the sun, worked hard with their bodies, breathed deep and sang as they worked. Diets were simply, local, and rooted in the season, individual life was imbedded in communal life. People lived in harmony with the Tao. Life was a communion with Nature, a communion with the OverSoul.In ancient Samkhya philosophy, Life is one. A Universal Life, whose nature is Divine Intelligence, lives through each of us. Each of us is a unique face of this Ubiquitous Life. In Samkhya Life is God. Our pain, is the anguish of our separation from Life, separation from our our Divinity, separation from our Self.Most of us are deeply identified with our mind, our story, the distraction of our addictions, and out of touch with a deeper, more subtle stratum of Being. This Being...is not far off. Indeed we are immersed in an ocean of Life. We need only, to breath it in. We need only quiet the mind and heart to come home to its healing resonance.Soul CommunionOur approach to healing, is defined by our intention to address the Soul, the animating intelligence in the body. For it is through Soul Communion, that we counter ontological terror. Where there is light... the fear and insecurity of the darkness vanishes.The body is a musical instrument that is played by the breath of life. As we release tension and armoring in the body, we come into atunement with the more subtle forces of nature and the cosmos in a natural process of Soul Communion.Our approach to Energy Healing involves peeling off the layers of stress, tension and armoring through energizing body work, vitalizing the body through energy exercises, and chanting to commune with the sacred Breath of Life.Each step in our Somatic Emotional Clearing program, deepens the quieting of the mind and healing of the heart. We heal as we attune to the Great-Fullness of Life and our own inner Well-Of-Being. There is an immediate and profound healing as one, comes home to ones Self... to Life. As we balance energy in the body, we commune with the light of the Soul in a healing process that is direct and immediate. Where there is light... darkness vanishes.Join Somatic Emotional Clearing Workshop,with Bruce Burger Aug 4-7, Benbow, CAhttp://www.weare1.us/Schedule.html%Somatics
There is no resource on our planet as wasted as human potential.
Each of us is the expression of a unique moment in the infinite creativity of Life.
Your feelings are a gift from Life. Your dharma is to be you. Fully present in your experience.
Healing, is about feeling safe to be authentic, safe to be vulnerable, safe to be fully alive.
I have been involved in the human potential movement for more than a half century. As founder of Heartwood Institute and author of a book on the unity and divinity of life…my life has been dedicated to escaping pain, fear and insecurity, and actualizing freedom, authenticity and peace.
Summer is the time to grow! All of Nature is supporting the blossoming and ripening of you…
Recycle Here… Somatic Emotional Clearing, August 4-7, Benbow, Ca with Bruce Burger, MA. www.weare1.us/Schedule.html#Somatics
The doctrine of “The Supremacy of Intelligence”... In one of the principal Upanishads, the Kausitaki-Brahmana, the God Indra, the King of Heaven, is asked for a boon deemed to be the most beneficial for mankind. Sri Indra exhorts: “Understand me only," and reveals the doctrine of “The Supremacy of Intelligence.”
For verily, without intelligence, speech does not make known (to the self) any name whatsoever. "My mind was elsewhere," he says, "I did not cognize that name". For verily, without intelligence breath does not make known any odour whatsoever. "My mind was elsewhere," he says. "I did not cognize that odor."
For verily, without intelligence the ear does make known any sound whatsoever. "My mind was elsewhere,” he says, "I did not cognize that sound." . . .Verily, if there were no elements of intelligence, there would be no elements of existence. . . . For as in a chariot the felly is fixed on the spokes and the spokes are fixed on the hub, even so these elements of existence are fixed on the elements of intelligence and the elements of intelligence are fixed in the breathing spirit. The same breathing spirit is, truly, the intelligent self, bliss, ageless, immortal.
The biblical religions offer little more than spiritual gobble-goop... They were promulgated by imperialists to enslave nations and rape the earth.
The ancient wisdom reveals that... All life is Divine, all life is Sacred...All life is a fabric of Divine Intelligence...
We experience our Divinity as Lucidity, Presence, Cognizance.
SELF RECOGNITION is the key to healing...
Without this KNOWLEDGE...All else is ignorance.
Now Is The Time For Your Summer Cleansing Diet!
The Polarity Cleansing Diet is a fast for the ego and a feast for the spirit.
The diet can be used spiritually as a quest for vision and a means to contact a higher intelligence within, for guidance and healing.
The word sacrifice means to make sacred. In the polarity diet we sacrifice our ordinary eating habits to cultivate more receptivity to the innate intelligence of nature and the cosmos for healing insight, liberating realizations and bodily renewal.
The body is a temple of the spirit. Our lifestyle choices have a profound effect on the quality of our health and our personal experience of Spirit.
One of the foundations of our health building regime is our Sattvic cleansing diet. East Indian philosophy classifies food according to the level of consciousness it promotes. A Sattvic diet quiets the mind, brings peace to the heart, and heals bodily ills. A Sattvic diet promotes a healing state of Soul Communion...
Through a Sattvic diet, a profound clarity emerges as we experience the healing presence of the Soul.
Gratefulness is a a Super-conscious State...
Gratefulness is a State of Soul Communion...
Gratefulness is your Natural State...
In Gratefullness your ego-mind is not obsessing with the past... or fantasizing the future. Gratefullness describes a quality of your space... a space of wellbeing.
Every atom of your body is a field of energy...a vibrating vortex. When you are connected to Being. Each atom becomes a well to Being. This state of well-Being is an experience of Soul Communion... union with Life...union with Nature. We experience this as a great fullness. This Great-Fullness is your natural state. This Gratefulness is who you really are...not your thoughts, not your story. This is an experience of the Eternal Present. Unborn, Undying, Everywhere, Always, for Ever and Ever and Ever. This Presence is your Divinity! This is your natural state!
When we are not connected to Presence, we are disconnected from our SELF, disconnected from BEING. This is very threatening to the vulnerable ego. The ego obsesses with the past...the future...struggling with the abyss of the terror of the disconnection from Being.
Our Energy As Medicine:Transformational Therapy program, offers a holistic approach to Self Recognition. You are lovingly lead through a series of profoundly healing energy balancing protocols, that facilitate Soul Communion. That facilitate a molecular transformation in the way you vibrate and your moment to moment experience of your life. In our Somatic Emotional Clearing program you will learn effective tools to consciously restructure your personal unconscious, to resolve the past and cultivate a more conscious future.
You will cultivate resources to maintain this quality of well-being. Mantra Yoga and Energy Exercises that you can integrate into your everyday life....
Find out more here...
We are the product of Ultimate Intelligence: We are made in the image of God. We personify the dynamics of creation. The chakras are a microcosm of the seven steps through which consciousness precipitates into matter. Our voice personifies “The holy word”, the “logos”, the root dynamic of creation. Our voice is an inter-dimensional portal, our lips Shiva and Shakti, magnetizing the Ethers of Nature with our intention and will.
Mantra means to protect the mind. Mantra Yoga is one of the most effective tools for healing and purifying the heart/mind. Heart break, loss and grief are effectively addressed through Mantra Yoga. The mind is the surface of our heart, the heart the core of mind. The vowels of the mantras promote vibratory coherence which purifies our energy. In Mantra Yoga we create a feedback loop of consciousness, and build standing waves of coherent resonance in our Etheric body.
For thousands of years Mantra Yoga has been one of the primary tools used to accelerate ones evolution and to cultivate union with nature and the cosmos.
All life is sacred…In the west we are immersed in a deist paradigm…where god lies outside creation, creates the world, and lets it go to hell….In the wisdom of India, God does not create the world. Goddess becomes the world. Creation is the self sacrifice of the Goddess. All life is sacred, your life is sacred. You are conceived and birthed in Divinity…(not sin…) Join us in Resonance to cultivate powerful tools to cherish and care for our Heart/Mind and and celebrate this sacred gift of life....Blessings, Bruce...Om Named Shivaya!
Our Bodies Are Musical Instruments Played By The Breath Of Life
All life is sacred…In the west we are immersed in a deist paradigm…where god lies outside creation, creates the world, and lets it go to hell….In the wisdom of India, God does not create the world. Goddess becomes the world. Creation is the self sacrifice of the Goddess. All life is sacred, your life is sacred. You are conceived and birthed in Divinity…(not sin…)
Breath is the foundation of life. Breath is the vehicle of the Great Mystery of Life and Consciousness. Breath is the vehicle of the animating intelligence of the Soul. We live in an ocean of Life Breath. The Greek word atmos means breath, and we have our life in the Earths Atmosphere…The earths ultrasonic rhythms of breath.
In the ancient wisdom of India, Brahma is the breath of creation. Everything that moves, from quark to cosmos is the spiraling breath of Brahma. Brahma is omnipresent as a universal life of a living universe. In every moment, Brahma is unfolding unlimited creative potential as you. Your breath is the breath of the cosmos. Your every breath is the cutting edge of the evolution of the universe. You are the face of God. Your life the personification of divine potential. You are That.
Our body is a musical instrument, that is played by the breath of life. The cycle of respiration, carrying the body, through the elemental phases of natural & cosmic attunement. As we breathe the pitch of the tissue, is modulated by the breath. Breath cycles the energy fields of the body, on a molecular level, through three phases of cosmic attunement. In the first phase, the fields of the body are animated through an inner attunement to Being, the Soul of creation. This entrainment with the animating intelligence of the Soul is called Sattva (Being) guna (vortex). As the breath expands the tissue, the field leaps in quantum fashion into an attunement with the Solar force, Rajas Guna and then the pitch of Tamas guna, where life crystallizes into earthly forms.
Our bodies are musical instruments played by the breath of life.The cycles of respiration stretches the tissue of the body changing its pitch. From macrocosm of the organism to microcosm of the molecules every field of the body, is played by the cycle of respiration. The East Indian paradigm is built on three keynotes of natural and cosmic attunement. Sattva means Being, and is an entrainment with the Source. Sattva is the force of equilibrium in Nature.
Sattva the neutral phase, is associated with the parasympathetic nervous system, rest, rebuilding and deep relaxation. Rajas, inspiration, stretches the body cavities and tissue, molecular fields, modulating the pitch to an entrainment with the Sun, the creative energy of Fire, passion, purpose and power. Rajas means to glow with the excitement of life's joy flowing through us. Rajas is expressed through the sympathetic nervous system. In expiration the diaphragm descends into a lunar attunement, with the Earth facilitating the crystallization of consciousness into form as tamas guna.
We live in a tune-a-verse… the word universe means turning as one. In Sanskrit the term for the creator is Brahma, which means an ever expanding, ever evolving breath of creation. The Shakti, the power in nature of Brahma, is termed Saraswati, which means “essence of self”. Saraswati is the creative intelligence within the breath, that sustains life and consciousness in each rhythm of respiration. You are the vina, Saraswati is playing.
Please check out my book: Esoteric Anatomy: The Body As Consciousness, if you would like to deepen your understanding of this root paradigm of eastern cosmology. Join us to attune your body to a higher octave of Soul Communion nourishing yourself at the well of Being http://www.weare1.us/Schedule.html
Pilgrims Guide To India 6/4/17
The Pilgrims Guide to India at www.VanamaliAshram.org/#Pilgrims_Guide is a blessed resource for individuals dreaming or planning a trip to India. If you go to India as a tourist...your missing the boat...Visiting India as a pilgrim offers you a unique catalyst to Divine Transformation. Vanamali Mataji shares the wisdom of a lifetime of passionate devotion as she explores The Great Mystery of Life and Consciousness written in the temples and holy places of timeless India. http://www.vanamaliashram.org/#Pilgrims_Guide
The Abortion Of The Sacred From The Womb Of The Earth… The Alphabet Vs The Goddess, is an important book, exploring just how, after tens of thousands of years of goddess worship... of humanity living on a sacred earth…. suddenly, with the emergence of the biblical religions, worship of the Earth as sacred…Life as sacred… is annihilated in the west. Monotheism initiated religious intolerance. Two thousand years, of pillaging temples and libraries, murdering priestesses and priests, inquisitions, relentless, persecution and witch burning by the church has ripped the sacred from the womb of the earth. The author Leonard Shalan, a medical doctor and brain surgeon, argues that the advent of the alphabet, shifted dominance from the right hemisphere of the brain… feminine, holistic, tolerant... to the masculine, analytical, aggressive left hemisphere. Literacy initiated the worship of an abstract concept of god. The literati and their minions of zealots, over centuries of crusades and jihad annihilated the worship of the sacred earth. It seems that TV and the digital revolution may again shift brain dominance from the left brain dominance of the linear alphabet to an ideographic right hemisphere dominance and a new humanity… At this point, I want to learn more about this…and invite you in your comments to help me understand if the digital revolution offers hope for a transformation of consciousness…. |
Tulsi Devi:
Many years ago, my friend Jonathan invited me to join him in visiting an ISKCON community at a ranch in Lake county, California. Here the followers of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, lived simply and supported each other in living a sacred life as prescribed by their dear guru Swami Prabhupada. I remember a pond, graced by a swan as a distinctive feature, and a very skinny pujari leading the prayers. An element of Krishna Consciousness, is to worship, Tulsi Devi as a part of the morning ritual. Devotees circling a Sacred Tusi plant, chanting a prayer to her and making an offering of water. In India a tulsi plant grows at the front door of the home of every lover of Krishna, where she is nurished and worshiped. Mother Tulsi is reputed to be the purist of Krishna’s devotees, and devotees are invited to aspire to her devotion. I circled the sacred basil plant, following the devotees who were chanting in Sanskrit, “vrindayai tulasi-devyai, priyayai kesavasya ca, krsna-bhakti-prade devi, satyavatyai namo namah”… I offer my prayers unto mother Tulasi Devi, who is very dear to Lord Krishna. O goddess, you bestow the blessing of devotion and the highest truth.” Suddenly I felt, that I was in the presence of the purist hearted being, I had ever experienced! The sweetness and love, was beyond anything I had ever known…my heart opened, my eyes welled up with tears…and I have never been quite the same…. Yes Virginia, there is a Tulsi Devi! The next time you drink a cup of tulsi tea, take a moment to really smell the aroma, taste the flavor, and give thanks and praise, for the very special essence that is becoming a part of you…ALL LIFE IS SACRED! YOUR LIFE IS SACRED! blessings, B |
Reading Merlin Stone: When God Was A Women. A profoundly important book! Stone, documents the relentless efforts of predatory patriarchal societies, to ravage any concept of the sacredness of the Earth, the sacredness of Nature, the sacredness of Life. Valuable in its time... but with due respect, she is offering a feminine pie-in-the-sky paradigm, to replace masculine pie-in-the-sky propaganda. If we turn to India, a living connection to the goddess tradition, we leave the deist paradigm, where God lies outside of creation of the west, and worship a Goddess who has become creation. The Earth herself is Sacred, the Self-sacrifice of the Goddess. (Sacrifice= to make sacred). The biblical religions are the propaganda of conquers. They seek to make war, pillage, exploitation and domination sacred. Monotheism seeks to annihilate a Goddess that is everywhere in Nature. The biblical prohibition of worshiping idols, is an attack upon: sacred rivers, sacred mountains, sacred groves, sacred snakes and sacred cattle. All life is sacred! Any concept we have of God/Goddess is arbitrary and arguable. The inherent miracle of life is not. Our mother Earth is sacred. All life is sacred! We are a cells in the body of Gaia, our life is sacred. The real travesty of patriarchy, is ripping the sacred out of the Earth, denying the inherent miracle of life, thus enabling the predatory culture of imperialism and capitalism. Our world is weeping, for a wisdom that recognizes the sacredness and unity of all life that cherishes the Earth as our Mother, that cherishes our life, our labor, our love as sacred. Beloved, Great Mystery Of Life and Consciousness... |
DEAR ONES... The Great Sage Mahatma Gandhi, titled his autobiography: The Story Of My Experiments With Truth. Over the course of his life, he wavered between…Truth is God…and God is Truth. For Gandhi Truth could not be found in a book. Truth could only be lived. Gandhi realized in his 'experiment with Truth", that there was an experience of the sacred in acts of caring, kindness, generosity, and personal growth. Gandhi experienced that there is divinity inherent in a life well lived. That each of us can have a moment to moment experience of the sacred, through service, health and growth. I invite you to drop your pie in the sky, psychedelic, and personified concepts of God… AND ACCEPT THE PROFUNDITY OF THE SACRED LIFE YOU ARE EXPERIENCING RIGHT NOW! *Quill pen drawing where every line is the Gandhi's mantra RAM, RAM, RAM... by Mrs. Saroja Nagarathnam of Channai. Quote, "The accumulation of wealth is the accumulation of sin..." is from Gandhi's "Collected Works". |
* |
TRUTH SPEAKS IN SILENCE!! As we went around the circle at the reunion, Saturday at Rainbows End....One name kept coming up, as instrumental in individuals awakening, Baba Haridas, the silent saint. In Our Revolution, we have manifested an alternative universe of holistic options to empower individuals seeking to take a higher level of responsibility for their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being...Thank You BABA HARI DAS for your inspiring example! |
Revolution In A Teacup!
Today I had the honor of participating in a
reunion of revolutionaries. Three dozen people who had transformed
health care in America! When Drake Sadler, the founder of Traditional
Medicinal's mentioned that millions of cups of their integrity, wisdom
and love were being poured daily... I realized that our revolution was
succeeding. Books on whole food nutrition, herbology, homeopathy and
are in all our homes. Herbology is being taught to MD's... Meditation
is being taught to our children in public schools! Thanks to Rosemary
Gladstar, Rob Menzies, Nan Koehler, Don Solomon, Kathy Keville, Mindy
Green, Jane Bothwell, Dana Ullman, Nam Singh, Christopher Hobbs, Chela
Burger, Jeanine Parvati, and everyone in this photo at Rainbows End,
Sebastopol, CA, celebrating the 40th anniversary of our hippie herbal
retreats which ignited a revolution in health care.
LIKE A GAZILLION SUNS!! Our Mother Earth, is circling our Father Sun at over 60,000 miles per hour, oscillating through a dance of Lunar and Solar attunement. At Equinox every atom on Earth, entrains in sympathetic resonance with Savitri*, the life giving solar intelligence, to spring into resonance with a new cycle of rebirth and creativity! Give thanks and praise, to the Life Divine, vibrating in every miraculous atom of your body for this sacred gift of Life!
*"Savitri is the Divine Word, daughter of the Sun "...this is not a
mere allegory, the characters are not personified qualities, but
incarnations or emanations of living and conscious Forces with whom we
can enter into concrete touch...and show...the way from... (this) mortal
state to a divine consciousness and immortal life." Sri Aurobindo
Lord Shiva personified as Bolinath...simple and easy to please....
Shiva personified as Bolinath...simple and easy to please... framed in lingams... ॐॐॐ |
Shivaratri The Night of Shiva Shivaratri:The Night of Shiva, is celebrated on the darkest new moon of the year in late January or early February. ॐ (Feb 24) Shiva rules tamas guna, the aspect of Mystery manifesting as the experience of matter. The Sanskrit word Shiva means auspicious, and refers to the scintillating divine qualities of our life on earth. The brilliance of the light of seeing, tasting, touching...of consciousness experiencing embodiment. The agony and ecstasy of each moment, as our amazing lives unfold.ॐ Pre-biblical spirituality was animistic and pantheistic. It reflected a natural world of omnipresent mystery, splendor and intelligence, where all of nature, all of life, all creation was sacred.ॐ Monotheism extracts God from the Earth, and offers a pie in the sky God...With God in heaven... somewhere??? You can do as you like on earth. ॐ ॐ ॐ Shiva (Siva in Sanskrit) represents the flame of Life, unborn, undying... without beginning or end… everywhere, always, eternal, forever and ever and ever… ॐ ॐ ॐ Shiva's manifest form is Shakti. Shakti is prakritti...Nature... The Self-Sacrifice of The Goddess as This Sacred Creation. This Sacred Earth! To cherish and to serve the Earth is to worship Shiva/Shakti. The beauty of life that we love so much is Shiva/Shakti. Our own life, which we cherish so selfishly, is Shiva/Shakti. ॐ Look no further, everything you are seeking, you already have! Aum Namah Shivaya! ॐ ॐ ॐ Aum Namah Shivaya... Honor To Life! |
ॐॐॐ Blessings, Aum Namah Shivaya ॐॐॐ
ॐ ॐ ॐ The Legend of Arunachala Shiva: Holy Hill of Tiruvannamalai The Gods Vishnu and Brahma were rocking the universe, quarreling as to who was the superior Deity. To restore equilibrium, Shiva appeared as a flame, and challenged them to find his source. Brahma took the form of a swan, and flew to the sky to see the top of the flame, while Vishnu became the boar Varaha, and sought its base. Neither Brahma nor Vishnu could find the source and were humbled and bowed to Shiva. Arunachala (Annamalai) or red mountain in Tiruvannamalai, India, is recognized as a lingam, and the embodiment of Shiva as Infinite Light, described in this ancient legend. Perhaps Shiva (Siva in Sanskrit) represents the flame of Life, without beginning or end… everywhere, always, eternal, forever and ever and ever… transcending Brahma and Vishnu who sustain the rhythms of creation. Shiva rules tamas guna, the aspect of Mystery manifesting as the experience of matter. The Sanskrit word Shiva means auspicious, and refers to the scintillating divine qualities of our life on earth. The brilliance of the light of seeing, tasting, touching...of consciousness experiencing embodiment. The agony and ecstasy of each moment, as our amazing lives unfold. Shiva is the light of life...the brilliance of consciousness...that illuminates each instant of our experience. At times we are Shiva taking the form of Vishnu as the the boar Varaha infused with His strength, spelunking the deep dark caves of the infinite possibility of pain and suffering that our human experience offers. Often we become the Swan of creative possibility, of Brahma and his Shakti Saraswati soaring to the sublime ecstatic heights of embodied experience. We are the cutting edge of the unfolding of infinite possibility expressed in the unique dimension of Earthly experience. ॐ ॐ ॐ To cherish and to serve the Earth is to worship Shiva. The beauty of life that we love so much is Shiva. Our own life, which we cherish so selfishly, is Shiva. Look no further, everything you are seeking, you already have! Aum Namah Shivaya! ॐ ॐ ॐ |
The Maharishi Effect is the observable fact of improved quality of life in the entire society when 1% or more of the population practices the Transcendental Meditation technique (TM) or a group of as little as the √1% practices this technique plus the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi program. First discovered in December 1974 when it was found that crime rate decreased in 1% cities, there are now over 50 empirical studies on the Maharishi Effect. http://www.truthabouttm.org/…/…/Rationale-Research/index.cfm "It should also be noted that another major purpose of the project, that was lodged in advance, was to create coherence for government. During the project, a floundering Clinton administration suddenly began to make progress. On July 18th, journalist Sally Quinn wrote in the Washington Post j: “Well, in case anyone hasn’t noticed, Washington is in a lull, at least from the vantage point of the inmates…. the Clinton administration appears to have revived….But such a swift reversal of political fortune is not easy to account for. The inmates may logically wonder whether Clinton really turned things around or if something else is going on…almost mysteriously and almost overnight, in the face of government distress…” This change was also observed from inside the White House. Clinton’s special assistant and White House press secretary, George Staphanopoulos, recently wrote of that period: “By the Fall of 1993, The Clinton White House had found its footing. We held the Middle East peace ceremony, passed NAFTA and the Brady bill, got our economic plan through and had proposed the centerpiece of our domestic agenda: Health-care reform” (Staphanopoulos, 1999). Time series analysis showed that coincident with the onset of the Demonstration Project that Clinton’s approval rating increased (p=5.29 X 10-8), media positivity increased towards the president (p=.01) and all five available indicators of social stress decreased (emergency psychiatric calls (p=.009), hospital trauma cases (p=.02), complaints against the police, (p=.01), accidental deaths (p=.05), and a social stress index of the four (p=3.22 X 10-5) (Goodman, Orme-Johnson, Rainforth, & Goodman, 1997)." 1 |